Chapter 16

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"What color?" Dean asked.

Sydney went all around the furniture store. She liked the brown and the black, but the black was most definitely her favorite. "Black"

"Ok then, we will take this set in black" Dean told the store salesmen.

"This is so odd, Dean. I've never stayed in one place this long before, long enough to buy furniture, I mean" Sydney said as he paid and they were walking out the door.

"Sydney, its time you stop running, take up some roots, call your mom, visit her if you want, but you need to stop living in constant fear" Dean replied.

"I know. But its all I've ever known, running from John" Sydney said sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Syd" Dean said.

They cross the parking lot, when out of no where a car heads straight for them. Dean pulls Sydney out of the way just in time. They both crash to the pavement.

"What the hell!!" Dean screams at the car.

Sydney stands up and races to the car. "Its John, he found me, i have to go"

Dean stops her and spins her around. "Stop it Sydney, stop running, stop playing the victim. You can do this! You can not live in constant fear that everything is John and take off running, see"

Just then 2 cop cars speed by them, more than likely after the car that sped away almost mowing them down. "Its probably some punk kid that stole a car and is trying to make a quick getaway, you need to calm down"

Sydney walked to the car, sat in the passenger seat and put her head between her knees and cried.

"I'm so tired of this!! I'm so tired of feeling completely helpless all the damn time!" Sydney screamed out.

"I have an idea that may make you feel better" Dean explained.

"I don't think anything can" Sydney replied.

Dean smiled to himself. "How about i teach you how to shoot a gun?"

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