Chapter 11

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"I love your accent, by the way, I don't think I've ever met a British person before" Sydney said as she pulled her bag from the trunk.

"Well, my husband and I came over from across the pond for work, then he got called back to London" Rose said walking up the steps to the door.

"Well, that's unfortunate" Sydney said with a frown.

"Eh, it's life, we adjusted" Rose said putting her keys on the kitchen table. "Let me show you to your room"

Sydney was in love with this house. It was old and dusty and reminded her of the farm house back home.

"How long have you lived here?" Sydney said walking up the stairs.

"Awhile. Ever since my son started 10th grade, he made us promise we wouldn't move again until he graduated college" Rose said pointing to one of the pictures on the wall.

"Thats your son" Sydney asked.

"Yes, he is a year younger than you" Rose said with a smile. "Anyway, come come. Let me show you to your room"

Rose took Sydney to a room, it was very green, green bedspread, green curtains, green rug. Sydney loved green.

"Oh my goodness, my favorite color" Sydney said, gasping as she walked in.

"Well, I'm glad you like it, put your things in here" Rose pulled out a drawer on the dresser. "You have your own bathroom, just through there" as she pointed to a half ajar door.

"I'm so thankful for all of this, I really do appreciate it" Sydney said sitting on the bed looking up at Rose.

"Nonsense, just doing what any decent person would do" Rose said with a smile. "Alright, I'll leave you to it then, get settled in, take a shower if you like, then come down and I'll make you something to eat" Rose said walking out the door.

Sydney took a minute to let this all soak in. Then she opened her bag to get clothes for a shower. There was a box inside her bag. She picked it up and opened it. It was a bracelet made of black leather, and a note.

This was mine when I was your age, keep it with you and always know there is someone looking out for you


Sydney couldn't hold it in anymore, she cried hysterically as she got into the shower. John had taken everything from her, her life, her home, her sense of security and people she cared about. She had only lived with Dean for 6 months, but somehow felt a strong connection to him

Sydney got out of the shower, got dressed, brushed her hair and went downstairs. She was starving.

"Well hey there, sunshine" Rose said as Sydney Sat down at the table. "I'm making barbecue chicken, do you like that?"

"At this point, I'm so hungry, I could eat you" Sydney said, as they both shared a laugh.

"So tell me, where you from" Rose said trying to make small talk.

"I'm from Georgia" Sydney said.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Rose questioned as she laid out 2 plates.

"I have a younger sister, Sara. She is a senior in high school this year" Sydney said with a frown.

"Awe, that's happy, why the sad face" Rose asked

"Because I'll miss the biggest moment in her life next to getting married and having kids, her graduating" Sydney said.

"I'm so sorry" Rose said as she laid a plate of barbecue chicken, macaroni and cheese and rolls in front of Sydney.

They ate their food and chatted. After they finished Sydney offered to do the dishes and then went upstairs to her room. She hadn't had a good night's sleep in days. She laid her head on the pillow, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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