Chapter 8

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"I have to go, now!" Sydney said crying and struggling to put what little she could find John hadn't destroyed in a bag.

"I'll come with you" Dean said.

"No, I can't ask you to do that, I can't ask you to put your life in danger for me, I won't" Sydney said.

"Then I'll take you to the subway, from there you need to get off at the train station, you need to decide where you want to go so I can call ahead and get your ticket ready" Dean said.

Sydney couldn't even see straight let alone think. "I... I.... I don't know, I don't care, I just..." Sydney threw her hands up. "I just need to get out of here"

"Sydney. Sydney!! Calm down" Dean grabbed her and held her from pacing back and forth.

"Dean, you don't understand, I stabbed him, he wants me dead!!" Sydney said raising her voice.

"Sydney, breath. Just, stop and take a second to think" Dean said, sitting her on her bed.

Sydney sat on the bed, put her head between her knees and let out a scream.

"Do you feel better" Dean said.

"No. I need to go" Sydney said once again standing up to grab her bag.

"Where, go where" Dean questioned.

"Chicago" Sydney said the first city that popped into her head.

"Ah, good choice I have a close friend there, she is a girl so you'll feel more comfortable, I'll wire her enough money for you to get a place" Dean said as he scribbled down something. "Here is her address, go there as soon as you get in town and she will give your money and a place to stay until you find something" Dean said.

"Wait!? You knew I'd pick Chicago?" Sydney questioned.

"You're more like your mother than you realize" Dean said with a smile.

They left the apartment and got a cab. "Here" Dean said handing her an envelope. "It should be enough to get you there and buy a few odds and ends"

Sydney opened the envelope.

$1000!!! There's $1000 in here!!

"Dean I can't take this! It's too much" Sydney said shoving in back into his hand.

"Take it. Let me do this for you" he said as they pulled up to the train station entrance. They both got out and headed down the stairs.

"I'll be right back. Let me go pick up your tickets" Dean said running quickly to the ticket stand.

Sydney stood againest the wall. Thanking god she found someone as amazing as Dean, when she felt it. There was a knife in her back.

"Move and I'll paralyze you" John whispered in her ear.

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