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She could hear him coming down the stairs, she squeezed her eyes together tight. She knew what was coming. She was  used to it by now.

John had had her tied up in this basement for over a month. Her arms tied behind her back with a rope and duct tape across her mouth. He came down 4 times a day to bring her food, take her to the bathroom and to "talk" to her. Now was the time for talk, when he was drunk.

His heavy feet made every stair he stepped on creak. She cringed at every one. She hated him with everything in her. She couldn't even believe that this was the man she once loved with her whole heart and thought she was going to marry. She knew what was coming, but she learned weeks ago that telling him what he wanted to hear made things go quicker.

John turned on the light, it hurt her eyes from being in the dark for so long. He had a glass in his hand, which she could smell the whiskey from across the room.

"Hello Sydney" John said as he took a drink. "Have you thought more about what we talked about yesterday?"

Sydney shook her head yes. John walked over and yanked the duct tape off of her mouth. She cringed at the pain. "John, I Love You, please let me go" she said, the same thing she had said for a week to try and convince him to untie her.

"You don't love me, you tried to leave me, do you really think anyone is ever gonna want you now, huh" he screamed as he slapped her across the face.

Sydney spat the blood to the side, he had beat her every night he had held her captive. It was always the same.

"John, we can work this out, just untie me and let's talk" Sydney pleaded. "I've learned my lesson, I'll never disobey you again" she said crawling to him she put her head to his lap. She would do whatever it took to get out of here. "I Love You John, I wanna be with you forever, we could start a family" she said looking up at him.

Sydney knew the one thing John had always wanted was a son. He himself had never had a father, so he wanted to be the best father he could be. He took a drink and looked into her eyes "You mean it baby" as he brushed the hair from her face.

"Forever and always, baby" she said back to him. It was there saying. When they used to say I love you he would always tell her 'forever and always'.

John crossed the room to the stairs. He threw his glass againest the wall. "Do you think I wanna do this, Syd. I love you, I want you with me every minute of every day. But you need to be broken" John said as he paced. "I wanna let you go but you have to promise me you won't try to run again" John said.

"I promise baby, I just wanna hold you in my arms again" Sydney said.

John leaned behind her and cut the rope. Sydney flung herself at him, hugged him so tight. "Thank you baby" she said.

"I love you Syd, everything I do I do out of love" John said

"I love.. I love.." Sydney seen the knife on the floor. She lunged for it, taking him by surprise.

"What the.." John said turning around to meet her face to face.

"I love that you're so gullible" she said as she laughed and plunged the knife into the side of his neck.

John fell to the ground trying to stop the bleeding, their was so much blood. Sydney ran, she ran up the stairs, through the house and out the back door. She never once looked back.

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