Waffle House Secrets

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Implied NSFW content after the time skip! Thank you to @crystalrosa18 for requesting this! I hope you like it! I may or may not have most of the Waffle House menu memorized, so...

Kaminari POV

I stand behind the counter and take the couple's order.

"I would like the All-Star meal with bacon, grits, scrambled eggs, and a plain waffle." Says one. 

"And I'll have the same with hashbrowns and a chocolate chip waffle, please." They smile big.

"How would you like your eggs?" I ask.

"Overeasy, please."

"And the hashbrowns?"

"Scattered, smothered, and covered."

"Got it!" I say and go to give the order to the chef. I sigh a bit. I wish I was at home with my boyfriends, or that I could at least tell them where I went every night. But I really wanted to get them something nice for Christmas, and being a low-ranked hero doesn't pay very well. Katsu and Eji, on the other hand, being ranked two and four respectively got paid very well. So I didn't tell them about this job. It made me feel bad to lie, but it would be worth it. I had been telling them that I had been doing the night shift a lot lately. Which was technically true. He was just withholding the information of exactly where he was working the night shift at. 


I opened the door to see who came in and can feel my face go pale.

"Denki? What are you doing here?" Ei looks shocked.

"Dunce face?" I flinch at the nickname. Katsuki only uses that when he gets mad. "You said you were working." He says as he leads Ei to the counter. They both sit down.

"Well, I am working. I just didn't tell you where." Katsu opens his mouth to respond, and I quickly interject. "We can talk more about this after my shift. What would you two like?" Katsuki stares at me, and I meet his eyes. I silently will him to drop it for now. 

"Fine. Black coffee." He huffs.

"Okay. Ei?"

"Ummm, a waffle. With blueberries in it, please." He mumbles.

"Okay. And to drink?"

"Orange juice." He says, gaining some confidence. I nod.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." I walk over and give the order to Fayah, the chef, and one of my chosen sisters.

"Thank you Denks. I bet Conor will let you off if you ask. Sam's about to come in." I nod.

"I'll ask after they eat." She nods and gives me the order for the couple that came in before my boyfriends. I take the plates over and set them and the check down with a smile.

"There's no rush. Take your time." I say, just like always.

"Thank you!" They say at the same time. They laugh and I walk away. 

"Order up!" It's Katsu and Ei's. I grab it and walk over.

"Thank you Denks," Eji says. Kacchan just glares.

"No problem! Imma go see if I can get off a bit early so we can go home and talk about this."

"Good. I wanna hear your explanation for why you've been fucking ditching us to work at a Waffle House." Kacchan grumbles. I nod and go to the back. I find Conor in her office, doing who knows what for the business. 

"Hey, Wolfy?" I ask my chosen sister. She looks up.

"Hey, Denkachu! What can I do 'ya for?" She asks.

"Can I get off a bit early? Katsuki and Ejiro showed up, and..." I trail off.

"Of course! Take tomorrow off too. Spend some time with them. We can manage without you."

"Thank you!" I run over and hug her.

"No problems, Denkachu. Love you."

"Love 'ya too!" I wave and exit her office.

Ei looked up. He had finished his waffle and Kacchan had paid the check.

"Ready to go? I got off."

"Yeah! Let's go home." He yelps enthusiastically. He doesn't seem to be as upset as Kacchan is about this. I grab his hand and lead him out of the building, Katsu close behind.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ time skip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When we walk in the door Kacchan pins me to the wall. I squeak in the surprise of the action.

"Now, tell me, what were you fucking doing working at a Waffle House?" He growls almost in my ear.

"Katsuki! Let him go!" Kacchan gets hauled off of me. "I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason why he was working there, and why he lied to us. Now, let's go to the living room and talk about this like civilized people." Ei scolds.

"Thank you." I breathe, and he nods at me. I see a glint of worry in his eyes as he takes in my uniform, and the choker I had paired with it. Kacchan grumbles but stomps off to the living room. We follow and sit down on the couch. 

"Now, fucking answer my question! Why were you working another job and lying to us about it?" Kacchan shouts.

"Well," I scratch the back of my neck. I just wanted some extra cash, especially with the holidays coming up soon. And Waffle House was where I worked all through high school, and they're always happy to have the help."

"But Kami, you're a hero, and that pays well. Why would you need extra cash?" Ei asks.

"It pays well when you're in the top 10. Fuck, in the top 100. I'm not even that high most of the time. And the agency pays per successful case cause we're not famous enough for monthly payment, recognition, marketing deals, anything really. And I have a lot of siblings, you haven't even met all of them, and you've met a lot, but that's for a future oneshot." I mutter that last part. "And I wanted to get you guys good presents too, and stuff costs money." They stare at me. 

"You didn't have to fucking lie to us though." Kacchan says.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have, but..." Ei cuts me off.

"It's okay Denks. But I think you may need to be punished a bit." Kacchan nods.

"That collar, I think it needs a leash to complete the look." I turn bright red. Ei goes out of the room and comes back with a dog leash, yellow with black stripes. He clips it to the choker. Then he takes a picture of me in my Waffle House uniform with a leash hanging from my neck. "Pretty," Ei smirks. My phone dings with a notification. I take it out and look. He had posted the picture, complete with the caption 'Denki the lying dog.' I let out an indignant screech and reach for his phone. Kacchan grabs the leash and pulls me to him. 

"Bad boy, Denks." He kisses me. Later pictures of me without the Waffle House outfit, but with the leash still hanging from my neck, were taken. But these were for my boyfriend's eyes only.

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