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I got tagged by im_sanely_insane so here's my thing I guess.

Last you tube video watched?


Call Me Kris is a queen

Something you want to learn?

Latin. I'm taking it as a school course
and it's really fun.

Something you can never give up on?

Any other person. I would never abandon anybody who needs me or just generally wants to be around me.

A secret you've never told anyone?

Honestly, I don't think I have any that I've never told anyone. Maybe when I was in kindergarten I had a crush on a girl but still didn't realize I was bi until fifth grade. (OOPS I'm aro-ace haha)

Anyone you like?

Nope! Not romantically anyway. Honorable mention to my besties Link and Jay though, neither of you will ever see this, but I love y'all.

Do they like you back?

Well, I sure hope they do. And then nobody for romantic is nonexistent, so.

A ship you like?

Norman and Ray from TPN, and basically anything with Kaminari in it. Just look at the title of this book.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A psychologist. Specifically a child psychologist. I wanna help people.

Favorite songs?

The Pure Heroine album by Lorde, Carry me back album by OCMS and anything by the Beatles.

Would you rather stay straight for male idols or change ot for female?

*cough* I'm not straight *cough*

Tag people!









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