Cuddles and Comfort

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Massive TW for this whole part and thank you to Applepaybestway for requesting this!

Denki was once again walking down the street with his nanny. His sister and brother were at home, it was just him and Ms. Merripen. He was wearing a fancy yellow dress, they were going to a special tea because he got all A's. He was so excited, his small eight-year-old body running down the street and then back to his nanny. She was smiling, he knew though he couldn't see her face. She ruffled his short black and yellow hair. He grinned. They took a wrong turn into an alley, and then they heard it—groans of pain and a small voice pleading for it to stop. Ms. Merripen put a hand in front of his chest and a hand over her lips, using him towards the wall. She crept forward where he couldn't see. Then the gunshot. He clapped his hands over his ears. Denki wanted to scream, but she had told him to be silent. A man ran out from somewhere and disappeared out of the alley. Denki turned to look where he had come from. Then and only then did he shriek.

And he screamed so loud, sitting straight up in bed and letting out electricity as he went. Bakugou sat up too, the shocks no doubt having something to do with it. Kirishima was slower to sit up but still did so quickly, looking at his boyfriend with concern.

"Denki? Are you okay?" He asked, worry laced in his tone. Meanwhile, Bakugou had taken Denki into his arms, comforting his partner.

"Shh, shh. You're okay." Bakugou whispered sweet nothings into Denki's ear while Denki clung to him. Kirishima wrapped himself around both of them and all three rocked back and forth. Denki continued to let out electricity, sobbing even harder when Bakugou flinched.

"Hey, hey, look at me," Bakugou demanded as he tilted Denki's face up to look at his partners.

"What's wrong, mouse?" Kirk shims whispered, letting his hand come up to brush back yellow bangs.

"I had a nightmare." Denki hiccuped "About Ms. Merripen."

"Who?" Bakugou asked with almost uncharacteristic gentleness. Well, uncharacteristic if you didn't know him well. 

"My old nanny. I was. I was with her when she..." Denki trailed off, leaving his partners to look at each other with concern. "Died. When she died." He finished, his voice soft but firm. "I still have nightmares about her sometimes. I was the only other one there, and the next day her daughter was there as my new nanny. I already knew her, but she looked so much like her mom that sometimes I would get them mixed up. When it happened we were both sad for the rest of the day." He started to cry again, leaning heavily on Kirishima for support. 

"Hey, it's okay. We're here, you're gonna be okay." The redhead whispered into Denki's ear. Bakugou gave them each a kiss on the forehead and excused himself. Soon he was back with snacks, water bottles, and his laptop. 

"Do you want to watch a movie? My favorite blond can pick." This made Denki giggle slightly and look up. 

"Sure. Sorry for shocking you Kats. I was just scared."

"Don't worry about it, I've had worse." Bakugou sat the tray down on the bedside table and cuddles up to his partners. Denki picked Luca to watch and the three settled down for two hours of cuddling and comfort.

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