Farewell, Dear Friends

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"We need someone to play the wedding. Preferably someone cheap, do you guys know anyone?" Kirishima looked up at the people scattered around his living room.

"What about Denki? His band might be able to do it!" Ashido offered.

"Mina! Don't just offer people to do stuff! Ask Denki first." Sero scolded.

"No, no it's a good idea! I can text the band if you want." Kaminari butted in.

"Sure Pikachu, text them. Your music is tolerable." At Bakugou's words, Kaminari pulled out his phone.

"I would hate for you to have to work on the wedding day though. You're the best man, it would be unmanly for us to make you miss the whole party." Kirishima worried a pen in his mouth.

"Don't worry about that. If we do it I'll probably do like two songs and let Conor do the rest. Speaking of I just got a text. They said that they'll do it."

"How much?" Bakugou looked up from the budgeting plan.

"Hmmm, dinner and a tank of gas. Feed us and get us there and we'll be fine. I do owe you a favor."

"Deal!" Kirishima declared with a brilliant smile. Kaminari smiled back and looked at Bakugou out of the corner of his eye. He looked comfortable, starting at his fiancee with a small smile on his face. I wish I could make him smile. Kaminari thought. But he couldn't. He was the best friend, nothing more, nothing less. They were never going to like him the way that he liked them, and he knew this. He was fine like this. Just the best friend. He would be gone soon anyway. 

It was the day of the wedding. Kaminari had been rushing around for the past five hours, getting everything ready. He set the band up in the reception hall, helped Mina with makeup, and fixed flowers. Everything was going to be perfect for his best friend's wedding. He took a turn into the dressing room that Kirishima was using, and wow. His best friend looked amazing in the suit. Kirishima turned to the other with a huge smile on his face.

"Denki! How do I look? How's Kat? Is it almost time?"

"You look, great man! You really clean up nice. It's time." Suddenly Kirishima was close, grabbing Kaminari's hand. 

"Thank you, Pika. You're really the best friend that I could've asked for. I don't know what I would do without you." Kaminari felt his heart break, just a little bit. He looked up at his friend, tears in his eyes. 

"Right back at ya man! Now, get out there and marry the love of your life."

The ceremony was beautiful. Bakugou had this serene, relaxed look on his face that was rarely seen by anyone but Kirishima (and Kaminari, but no one would admit that.) Kirishima was practically glowing. Eri was the flower girl and Midoriya was the ring bearer. It went off without a hitch, and Kaminari would chalk the tears in his eyes up to emotion. Then it was time for the reception. After the first dance Kaminari took the stage.  He started to sing Have It All. It seemed appropriate for this. 

"May you have auspiciousness and causes of success..." The song was beautiful. There were tears in more than one eye. The newly married Kirishima-Bakugou's danced, looking deep into each other's eyes. No one caught the glances they threw at Kaminari as he sang. The song was over too quickly and Kaminari was faced with the hardest part of the night, his speech.

"Such a sweet song, isn't it? Now for the worst part of the night, for me at least, the best man's speech." That earned him a laugh. "So, I've known these two since high school, but it was still a surprise when they told me they were dating. Even more so when they told me they were getting married and asked me to be their best man. To be perfectly honest I didn't realize they were dating until they told me they were getting married." Another laugh. Kaminari surveyed the crowd and noticed that the couple's eyes were firmly on him. Kirishima was wearing a sunny smile and even Bakugou's face looked softer. "I got up to some crazy stuff with these two in high school. Like the time that Katsuki pushed Eijiro and me down a hill in a shopping cart and we almost got ran over by a car!" One last laugh. "I could go on for hours but the gist of it is that these two were always there for me, no matter what. I love you guys so much, and I wish you all the best. I'll really miss all of you. Farewell, dear friends! Farewell." Claps and awws echo around the room but the couple suddenly looks worried. Kaminari takes his leave of the stage, and then of the building. He'd been planning this since they told him. He was hopelessly in love with both of them, but he had to let them be happy. So he was leaving. He took out his phone and blocked all of his UA contacts. Aizawa, Shinsou, Mina, even Bakugou, and Kirishima. He only left his family and friends that had no connection to the couple. He had already called his agency, telling them that he quit. It was okay. He was just gonna disappear for a little bit. He ducked into an alley, opening the door he found there. It opened into a small, drab apartment. He locked the door and scurried to the small bathroom. Everything he needed to cut and dye his hair was there. 

Once he was done his hair was a dark brown with shaved sides and a front that swooped over one eye. He opened the cabinet over the sink and pulled out a small box. 

"What color? Brown, I think. My eyes are already kinda brown, let's just make them darker." He pulled out a pair of colored contacts and put them in. He didn't look like himself at all. He put on some foundation to cover the light smattering of freckles on his face and concealed any Lichtenberg figures he could see. He rummaged through his backpack to find a dark hoodie and a pair of jeans. He didn't look like someone you would give a second glance at on the street. He let out a sigh. He grabbed his backpack, checking it. It was filled with food, clothes, train tickets, and cash. He put in all of his hair supplies and the contact box before stepping out onto the street. He felt a tear slip down his face, but he wiped it away. Kaminari Denki was gone, for now at least, but Leslie Emerson was going to make a new start.

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