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Denki danced around the kitchen, looking for something to make his boyfriends for dinner. It was his off day and they would be home soon, so he wanted to surprise them. There was one thing he knew he could make better than anything else, chili. His grandma had taught him how when he was a kid, and he had been in love with making it ever since. He loved the chili because it was the perfect mix of sweet and spicy, just like the people he loved. He loved his Grammi because she always accepted him no matter what. He pulled out a pound of ground beef, remembering how she had taught him. 

"Wake up, baby boy! We're gonna make some chili for breakfast!"

"Huh?" Denki had asked sleepily. "Should I get Damini?" 

"Nah, baby boy, let's have some us time. C'mon, I'll get the stuff." She lead the pajama-clad boy downstairs, still wearing her pj's. She pulled out a pound of ground beef, ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper, and chili powder. She put a pan on the stove. Denki dragged over his stepstool and stood upon it so he could see. 

"Now, baby, we should use one pound of the meat for three people. That way everybody can have enough and you might have some leftover still." She handed him a wooden spoon. "Will you stir for me? " He nodded and started to stir the ground beef while she turned on the stove.

Denki smiled at the thought of a smaller himI stirring a hot pan while Grammi stirred in bread crumbs. She always made her own but kept a loaf of store-bought around for filler. 

"After you put in the bread crumbs you're gonna put in some ketchup and mustard, shake the bottles up first so you don't get the water though."

Denki always followed her advice, she was probably the smartest person he knew, (sorry Katsuki!) He misses her, she lives in America, and the last time Denki had seen her in person was when he graduated from Yuuei. He turned down the heat and grabbed a bag of broccoli to put in the microwave.

"You should always make a side to go with your chili. How about strawberries today?" 

"Strawberries and lemons?" She smiled at Denki.

"Sure hon, you can have a lemon with yours." The boy's face lit up. "Put in some salt and pepper, please. Chili powder too. I'll cut up our fruit."

Denki made sure the meat was done before tasting it. He added some more mustard and chili powder before tasting it again. Perfect. 

"Hey, We're home! Denki!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" He yelled to the door.

"If you've caught anything on fire I'll strangle you," Katsuki said as he came in view of his boyfriend.

"Kinky," Denki said with a smirk as he watches Katsuki blush.

"Hey Mouse, watcha makin'?" Eijiro comes into the kitchen and puts his arms around Denki's waist, his head resting on the other's shoulder.

"Chili. Can one of you get the broccoli out of the microwave? Then this'll be ready and we can eat." Eijiro untangles himself and pads to the microwave while Katsuki moves to look in the pan.

"Chili huh? It looks edible for once, good job Dunce. Can I taste?" Denki nods and holds up the spoon. "It needs more spice." Katsuki reached for the cabinet and Denki grabbed his wrist.

"You do not  mess with Grammi's chili recipe."

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