Friend, Come Back, You're Loved

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Thank you to MnlHa7 for requesting a part two! This will be up on AO3 shortly after posting here!   

"We need someone to play the wedding. Preferably someone cheap, do you guys know anyone?" Kirishima looked up at the people scattered around the room. These were the people he loved most in the world, his friends and his fiance. 

"What about Denki? His band might be able to do it!" Ashido offered. Kirishima looked over at Bakugou and could tell that he liked that idea. Kirishima worried though. He didn't want his best friend to have to work at the wedding! 

"Mina! Don't just offer people to do stuff! Ask Denki first." Sero scolded. Kirishima silently agreed. 

"No, no it's a good idea! I can text the band if you want." Kaminari butted in. 

"Sure Pikachu, text them. Your music is tolerable." At Bakugou's words, Kaminari pulled out his phone. Kirishima felt like this was an excellent time to voice his worry.

"I would hate for you to have to work on the wedding day though. You're the best man, it would be unmanly for us to make you miss the whole party." Kirishima began to worry a pen between his teeth and Bakugou silently handed him a chew toy. Kirishima sent a bright smile to his fiance.

"Don't worry about that. If we do it I'll probably do like two songs and let Conor do the rest. Speaking of I just got a text. They said that they'll do it." This settled Kirishima's mind a bit. He was glad that his best man would also be able to enjoy the day. 

"How much?" Bakugou looked up the budgeting plan. Kirishima looked up too, price did matter. 

"Hmmm, dinner and a tank of gas. Feed us and get us there and we'll be fine. I do owe you a favor." Perfect!

"Deal!" Kirishima declared with a brilliant smile. Kaminari sent one back and Kirishima's heart melted. He loved making his best friend smile. He saw his fiance smiling at him too, in the way that he would only for the ones he loved most: his mom, his fiance, and Kaminari. People didn't realize, didn't know. Bakugou loved Kaminari just as much as Kirishima, but very few knew. They hoped he could figure it out soon. They didn't want to push, but they wanted him more than they would tell. 

On the day of the wedding, Kirishima was frantically nervous. He could barely keep it together. He needed to, for his friends, family, and fiance (husband.) Suddenly Kaminari turned into his room, and, wow. He looked amazing in that black suit with a yellow shirt and red tie. It was so him, loud but understated. It fit perfectly, complementing every line and angle. His hair was pulled back and he was wearing light makeup. Did he say wow yet?

"Denki! How do I look? How's Kat? Is it almost time?" He didn't voice his true thoughts, about how good he looked, how he wanted to kiss him. How Kat did too, it was a fantasy that came up far too often to be a passing thing, and they had talked about it in length. Kaminari had a soft smile on his face and it made Kirishima swoon. 

"You look, great man! You really clean up nicely. It's time." Kirishima moved close, grabbing Kaminari's hand and looking deep into his eyes. 

"Thank you, Pika. You're really the best friend that I could've asked for. I don't know what I would do without you." It was true, the truest thing he had said to Kaminari in a while. He wanted to say that he loved him. But he saw that smile he loved falter and become fake.

"Right back at ya man! Now, get out there and marry the love of your life."

The ceremony was beautiful. Bakugou had a serene look on his face. Midoriya and Eri were perfect in their roles. Kirishima's heart felt full. With his partner in front of him and his best friend beside him, it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.

It all went wrong. Kaminari had sung a song and given a beautiful speech. It had made Midoriya start to sob, and Eri clung to him. It had worried the newlyweds though, especially the last line. "Farewell, dear friends! Farewell!" The couple had looked at each other and nodded confirmation. 

"Let's go find Pikachu," Bakugou grumbled, grabbing his husband's hand and guiding him up. 

Ten minutes later and the best man was nowhere to be found. Bakugou was grumbling under his breath, but he knew who they needed to talk to. The couple found Momona and Shinsou sitting at a table in the corner, talking in hushed voices. Monoma glared as the newlyweds walked over. 

"Congrats," Shinsou said in a flat tone, a small smile on his face. Nice wedding. Very, bright." He looked at the orange and red decor. Mina has said that it was tacky, but also so them that it just made sense. 

"Thanks, man! Does either of you know where Denki is? We haven't seen him since his speech." Kirishima scratched the back of his neck and smiled a small, worried smile. Monoma's scowl deepened. 

"Don't ask us. He doesn't know and I'm not going to tell you." He said with something sad in his voice.

"C'mon babe, I just wanna know why Denki blocked me." Shinsou pleaded.

"He blocked you?" Kirishima and Bakugou spoke suddenly and at the same time. Shinsou nodded grimly. Kirishima whipped out his phone and texted Denki. 


He called. A single ring and then

"You have reached the phone of PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME cannot come to the phone right now. Please try again or leave a message after the tone." Kirishima waited for the tone but none came. 

"I'm blocked too. Monoma, do you know where he is?" 

"If you know and you're not fucking telling us what's going on with Sparky then you'll regret it." Bakugou let a small explosion pop from his hand. Monoma merely smiled.

"If he wants you to know he'll tell you. It's not my business to tell." He glared at the couple. "If Denki wanted to get far away from you I see why."

"Denki's my best friend. Why would he want to get away from us?" Kirishima was so confused. Monoma smirked.

"We're leaving. Come on." He grabbed Shinsou's hand and pulled him up. 

"Fucking snake," Bakugou muttered. "Why did we invite them?" Kirishima smiled.

"Cause Denki loves him. Both of them. No idea why." Kirishima grabbed Bakugou's hand. "Let's go. We gotta find Denki. Maybe his band knows something." 

They talked to Liam, a rather tall man with a bird quirk that made Todoroki think he was related to Hawks. He had seemed to know where Denki went, but wouldn't tell them. He did mention that Denki had gotten a hotel room at a rather shady motel. When one of the other band members heard that he was pulled away for a scolding in another language. 

The newlyweds left their wedding reception. Bakugou texted Mina and told her where they were going. Kirishima kept a tight hold on his hand until they got to the shitty motel. There was a person at the front desk, chewing gum and reading a magazine.

"Hello!" Kirishima greeted. The person looked up at him. "We're looking for someone."

"I can't tell you about anybody's personal information." They said, looking the couple up and down. 

"How much do you want to tell us if a Kaminari Denki checked in here?" Bakugou put some cash down on the table. The clerk looked at it for a moment before pulling it off the table.

"He was in room 105. Came in as a blond and left as a brunette. Eyes a different color and everything. He went towards the train station." Bakugou turned and left the building.

"Thank you!" Kirishima yelled as he ran after his husband. They walked to the train station but didn't see anyone who looked like the clerk's description. After an hour they decided to give up. If Kaminari didn't want to be found he wouldn't be. They were too late anyway. Kirishima pulled out his phone and left one last text.

Friend, come back, you're loved.

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