Welcome Home Love

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It had been five years since Kaminari had left. Five years of marriage, five years of mourning. Katsuki and Eijiro had been looking for Kaminari since the wedding, often abandoning other friends to continue their search. It had been five years, and Bakugou got a text

Dunce Face:


Katsuki stared at the screen in disbelief before responding.


Hi Denki

He wanted to say so much more, but he couldn't. He didn't know how to, not over text. So instead, he got his husband.

"Eijiro! I got a text from Denki!" He heard a crash, and then Eijiro slid into the room.

"You got a text from Denki?" He snatched the phone from Katsuki's hand and looked at the texts. "Oh, my god. Why now? Why?" Tears started to form in his eyes, and Katsuki gently led him to the couch.

"Hey, it's okay, we're going to be okay. What do you want to do about this?" 

"We should ask him to lunch or something. I want to see him. I need to ask why he left." Bakugou took a deep breath. 

"Okay. Okay okay okay."


Would you like to go get lunch with Eijiro and me?

It was 20 minutes before they got a response.

Dunce Face:


They set up a time and the next day they were meeting. The restaurant they picked was a cute little place with American food that Katsuki knew Kaminari loved. The couple sat down in a booth to wait.

"Kat, stop chewing your fingernails. It's gross." Eijiro grabbed the others' hand to pull it out of his mouth. 

"Sorry Eiji, I'm just nervous." He said, fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

"I know. We'll get our answers soon." Then somebody was sitting in the booth across from them. 

"Hi, guys. I'm sorry I'm late." Eijiro sucked in a breath as Katsuki grabbed his hand. Kaminari had changed a lot in five years. His hair was long and tied in a ponytail, his eyes were bright behind a pair of glasses and he looked happy. He had grown into himself. 

"OH, oh. Denki. Hi! It's nice to see you again." Eijiro couldn't keep his eyes off Kaminari. Katsuki looked from his husband to his former best friend. 

"Yeah Denki, we've missed you." 

"Awwww, I've missed y'all too! It's Danny now, actually. I changed my name when I moved back home! It's so nice to see you again."

"Danny? Okay..." Eijiro looked unsure of himself for a moment before smiling. "So, I think we have a lot of questions."

"Why did you leave?" Katsuki asked.

"I..." He blushed and looked away. "I was in love with you. Both of you. I figured it would be easier to leave so that my feelings didn't get in the way of your relationship." The couple stared at him in shock as he twisted a black ring around his finger.

"Den...Danny, we felt the same way." Bakugou took a deep breath and looked at Kirishima. "We still feel the same way." Kirishima nodded.

"If you wanted to come back, we could try it out?" The longing in his voice was clear. He needed this to work. The last five years had been hell without their best friend. 

"Oh, no you guys." Danny had a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it away before continuing. "I'm actually really happy now. I moved to America and lived with my sister for a while. I got to spend so much time with my nephew! Then I met this guy... his name's Noah. He has two daughters, twins, from his first marriage. They got married right out of high school and got divorced almost as soon as the twins were born. They're the sweetest kids! Their names are Jenny and Anna-Dot.  We dated for three years, and we got married five months ago. We're actually here for our honeymoon while the girls stay with their mom. I decided to reach out to some of my old friends while I was here. The only one that I've actually stayed in contact with is Neito." The couple was in shock, but Bakugou recovered first. 

"You're married? And you have two kids?" Danny smiled and nodded.

"They make me so happy. Noah makes me happy." 

"Don't you think that was a little fast?" Kirishima pleaded.

"It's been five years y'all. I grew up, and I thought y'all would've too. Guess I was wrong." He started to stand up, leaving some bills on the table as he went.

"No, Denki!" Bakugou made to stand too.

"That's not my name anymore. Hasn't been in a long time." Danny walked out of the restaurant with not even a glance back.

"No no no no no. We fucked up, we fucked up bad." Kirishima started tugging at his hair. Bakugou grabbed his wrists.

"Shhhh, stop. Your hair is shitty but I like it how it is. Don't tug on it. It just wasn't meant to work out with De," He stopped himself, "Danny. But he's happy now, we can't mess that up just because we want to be selfish. It's okay to feel this way, but the best thing for all of us is to let him go, even though it hurts." He had tears in his eyes now."Okay?"

"Okay, Bakugou," Kirishima whispered. 

Occasionally, they would get updates about Danny from Shinsou.

"Yeah, he's doing good. He called me last night, he and his husband just had another kid. They named him Asa."

"Asa?" Kirishima stared at him. Shinsou shrugged. 

"Old family name apparently. Means something to both of them. I think it's kinda dumb, but Neito says it's sweet for some reason." He gave Bakugou an envelope. "You're invited to my wedding, by the way. Danny's gonna be Neito's best man."

Thank you @kyuulink for all you did to make this story what it was!!!!!

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