The Lakes

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Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
July 15th, 2024
Three Weeks Later
Taylor's Point of View
Dear Diary,
      One day I hope I look back on all this shit and think, man, I can't believe I did that. I just went and destroyed cancer's ass. I made cancer look like a JOKE. Okay, cancer isn't a joke but, you know, sometimes gotta have some sense of humor about it just so I stay sane.
I have the support of all my friends, family, and I'm getting 3 times as much fan mail at this point. I haven't read all of them since it's literally impossible, but they wish me the best of luck. I've had a good time during chemo reading fan mail and talking to Piper.
I love all my friends but Piper is the only one who understands what I'm actually going through. It's nice to have someone by your side. No one tends to visit me while I'm during chemo at this point cause all I do is talk to Piper about depressing shit. I'm not sure what I'd do without her.

        -Taylor <3

I set the diary in my bag and look over at Piper. "Ugh, how much longer?" I say with a shrug.

"2 hours." She responds with.

"I swear this is the most boring shit."

"I mean, you could just be dead."

"True...boredom or death."

"Hey, at least you got me." She smiles over at me but her eyes seem to wander off.

"Your eyesight is getting worse, isn't it?" I question.

"They took away my license a couple days ago after I blew pass a stop sign cause I couldn't see it. I officially am legally blind."

"Thank god they took your license."

"I can't believe you still have yours though. I call bullshit."

"I AM NOT BLIND." I exclaim.


"I feel like I'm being attacked."

"I'm just spreading the facts." The two of us laugh and I look over at her while my head rests on the chair.

"Promise me that we'll both get through this and die when we are at a reasonable age."

"I promise. I gotta meet your grand baby! I can't miss that."

"Good." I pull out a book from my bag and open it to where I was last. I begin to read but stop for a moment.

"Hey, I was thinking that we could go to this cat cafe but instead of coffee, they serve wine. So basically you play with cats and drink wine." I tell her.
Piper stutters for a moment before becoming silent which throws me off.

"Piper?" I look over and her body is convulsing. Oh god, oh no, uhhh. I take out my IVs and get out of my chair. Me, who has had zero seizure training just yells for help cause what the fuck am I supposed to do.

"SOMEONE FUCKING HELP HER!" I press the nurse bottom probably 50 times before someone comes rushing in. Very quickly the doctors begin to take care of her.

"Is she okay? Is she gonna be okay?" I ask repeatedly if she's okay but am ignored.

"I need lorazepam!" A doctor yells. I have no clue what the hell that is.

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