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                       I think I am finally clean

February 14th; 2025
Three Months Later
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Dear Diary,
Ah Valentine's Day. The day for the hopeless romantics and ones in love. Luckily I'm one of the ones who's married and found the love of their life. This Valentine's Day we decided to keep it lowkey. Instead of going out or doing something crazy, we decided to stay home and watch Elliot. Juliet and Benjamin are having sleepovers with some friends. We thought it would be nice to give Lucas and Liv the night off and give us quality time with our grandson. My hair started to grow back ever so slightly. It looks like a buzzcut with weird patches because it hasn't decided to be hair or not. Regardless, I'm excited that I'm getting it back. I'm doing so much better. I'm able to walk by myself without issue but I'm still doing physical therapy. Last time I went to the doctor my cancer was almost gone but not quite yet. I thought I was gonna die. I thought there was no hope left and I would never be able to see my grandson. I was supposed to be dead by now but I decided to fight and it was the best decision I've ever made.

-Taylor <3

I put my diary to the side and sit cross-cross on the floor with little Elliot who is just babbling. He's sitting up by himself and shaking little plastic keys. We have all these toys, some costing up to $100 and his favorite? The $4 plastic keys he picked out at Target. He just screams in pure joy with those freakin things. I can't believe I ever wished for Olivia to not have him. He's the most precious thing. I pick him off the floor and place him so he's sitting in my lap.

"Hello little guy." I give him a small hug and kiss the top of his head. He gives me such baby fever but I'm done with having kids. Joe walks over and sits next to me on the floor.

"Want to do gifts?" He asks while holding a small package.

"Sure." I grab my gift for Joe off the counter and sit back down. I hand the large envelope to him and put Elliot back in my lap.

"You go first." Joe hands me the gift and I tear of the wrapping paper. I open the box to find some pieces of paper. They seem to be printed out receipts of some sort.

"Uhhh thank you?" I'm completely confused not gonna lie. Joe takes one of the papers and shows me what it actually is.

"I hired a professional trampoline contractor. Basically, he'll build you your dream trampoline room. I put a down payment for it. They're coming by next week to discuss building plans." He explains.

"OH MY GOD WHAT?!" I basically yell in excitement and he smiles, proud of his gift.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I LOVE IT! Oh my god I've been waiting so freakin long for this. I'm finally gonna have my trampoline room! I've only waited over a decade for this."

"I'm glad you like it." Joe laughs and I give him a tight hug.

"Okay, you did make it hard but I think I got the best gift this year."

"What?! I put so much work into this one! You always get the better gift. Can't I just win for once?"
It's true. I'm 7 years strong on getting the best gift for Valentine's Day. Every year he makes his gift better to try and beat me but never does. I hand him the envelope and he starts to open it

"Okay to be honest, not sure how much of a gift this is since you can't really use it." I tell him as he pulls out papers filled with medical information. He then takes out a chest x-ray scan.

"Uhhhhh???? I know mine was confusing but what is this exactly? Is this a picture of your lung?" He asks innocently.



"It's not just any lung though."

"I'm so confused. I'm not a doctor."

I point to the scan for him to look. "It's a perfectly healthy cancer-free lung."

"Wait, what? You-I-"

"I'm cancer free. It's all gone." I grin and Joe excitedly wraps his arms around me, creating a group hug with Elliot.

"You're cancer free? Oh my god we need to throw a party. I-I just-I can't believe this. When did you find out???"

"This morning. Which is good because I had no gift planned for you. I was gonna make some dumbass cancer excuse and let you take a win this year."

"Dammit. Why did you have to find out today?" He says sarcastically.

"So, as a celebration, I was thinking that I'll of course have a party and maybe go and play a couple of songs publicly again. Just my new one and maybe Cruel Summer. Acoustic versions because I am not ready to perform the way I could before. Maybe I could do a version of Cruel Summer on the piano? Oh my god I'm so excited now."

"We can plan that some other time but right now let's enjoy Valentine's Day with the three of us." Joe reaches over and boops Elliot's nose which makes him giggle. God I can't believe he's already six months old.

"Did we even make a plan for Valentine's Day?" I ask.

"Nope not really but I ordered some Chinese food. I also got some popcorn, chocolate, and a movie. It might not be the most romantic but it's better than doing nothing." Joe gets up and picks up a DVD off the tv stand.

"Honestly that sounds amazing. What movie?"

Joe tosses the DVD case to me which hasn't been opened yet. "Wanna watch this?" He asks.

"You're joking." I look at the DVD then look back at him.

"It is Valentine's Day."

"Honestly it will be pretty funny to make fun of myself from 10 years ago."

"YAY!" He takes the DVD and puts it in the player. We are literally watching Valentine's Day. Gosh I was so cringy but I feel like I nailed the role. I remember Joe coming to set a couple times and getting a little jealous that I was dating Taylor Lautner in the movie. He knows I'm loyal to him but it was pretty funny. Throughout the movie Joe and I stuff our faces with food while making fun of me.

Days like this remind me why I fought to stay alive. Even though life can get rough, there are the momentary moments of relief and happiness you get to share. Even if it's simple. Now that I'm cancer free I feel like I will finally be able to live to my fullest. The odds of me beating this were next to nothing but I pulled it off.
I never could have done that without the people I love. Especially Piper. I miss her everyday but I know she is happy that I fought. I also know that because I was the last connection and only connection Piper really had. She had her sister but she barely knew her. I remember at her funeral, Sasha barely cried. It's like she was at a funeral for a stranger. I was her one and only person.

I get to live a long life and watch Elliot grow up which is an honor. He's got his mom's beautiful blonde hair and his dads green eyes. I know he's only a few months old but I see so much of Liv in him. He's got that classic Swift family stubbornness but he's also very kind. He doesn't throw many fits but can be persistent. The older he gets, the more personality he develops and he's the best.

Authors note:
I started playing Genshin Impact and my entire life is now absorbed by it. Help. This chapter was sorta a filler but super cute :)

Go Taylor!

Song: Clean-Taylor Swift

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