August 17th, 2024
1 Week Later
Olivia Flowers' Point of View
Dear Diary,
I know I'm supposed to be happy or something. I mean, I wished she would go to hell and die so I didn't have to sit next to her. I have taken a new perspective since then and I just really wish I would have had it sooner. I could have spend more time loving instead of hating her. Even through all my hatred, I don't think I would have ever wished this on her. No one deserves this. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Unless we are talking about my enemy, Lexi LaRoche. Fuck you Lexi LaRoche, you know what you did. I think I'll feel guilty about this my entire life. I got my wish granted and refused to acknowledge my concerns. Now she's gonna die. Who does that to their own mother? I'm a murder.Sincerely,
Olivia Flowers"Why are there so many shades of blue? This is ridiculous." Lucas says with frustration. He's holding up different paint samples on the wall as we put the nursery together.
"I told you to just get baby blue." I tell him.
"DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THERE ARE? There was fair baby blue, bright baby blue, classic baby blue, baby blue number 3. WHY ARE THERE SO GOD DAMN MANY?" He begins to complain basically loosing his shit over paint.
"Babe, calm down. You didn't need to buy all of them."
I take the paint samples from him and look. "Just go with classic." They are all somehow slightly different and I hate it.
"Thanks." He opens the can of paint and starts to paint the walls.
"See, it looks good."
"Are you gonna help?" He asks.
"So like...I'm pregnant."
"Come onnnn I can't do this myself." He takes my hand and helps me up.
"But I don't wanna." I pout.
"Too bad." He says and puts a paint brush in my hand.
"Jeez fine." I start to help and the two of us just talk.
"I know the baby isn't due for bit longer but what do you think about the name Thomas?" Lucas asks.
"Nah seems too basic. What about something more unique like Briggs."
"Do you want our child to be bullied? Do you want him to be hated? Do you hate our child?"
"You could have just said no." I snicker a little.
"You can't just veto!"
"Well I just did." I smirk.
"I can see right behind that little smirk of yours."
"What smirk?" I say with an even bigger smirk.
Lucas then looks at me with a face of disapproval. "If you smirk again we our naming our child that."
"Wanna bet?" I say as a begin to smirk again.
"Don't-don't you dare." He dips his finger in paint and wipes it across my forehead like I'm Simba or some shit.
I gasp as paint drips down my forehead. "You are so dead!" I dip my hand in the paint and splash it on his hair.
"Hey, I pride myself in this hair!" He grabs a hand full of paint which causes me to take off running.
"You'll never catch me alive coppers!" We both run around the house as paint drips. I end up on one side of the couch with him on the other.
"What are you guys doing! You just dripped paint on the like thousand dollar rug your mom bought!" My dad snaps at us.

Chasing Shadows (Jaylor Fanfiction)
Fanfiction[Sequel to The Tattoo Kiss] History repeats itself. Almost a decade later, Olivia is making the same mistakes as her mother. Will Taylor step up as a mother or sit back and watch it all burn?