August 27th, 2024
One Week Later
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Dear Diary,
I refused to give up and demanded new doctors. I did research, looked into trials, printed dozens of documents and created a "I'm not fucking dying" binder. They moved me too a new hospital because according to them "we are incompatible." I think they got tired of me throwing shit fits. I decided to bring back the jar I had where I would put pebbles in when I had a good day. I mean, we had to buy a new jar though since I obliterated the other one. Completely violated its rights as a jar. Today included a green rock. Today is a good day. The pain saturates my bones but at least I'm alive. I looked into medical trials for people diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. I became interested in hyperthermia treatment and showed the doctors. Right now they are studying to see if I would be a candidate for it. Plus sometimes they use lasers for the treatment and I think that just sounds cool. Painful I imagine though.
Olivia and Lucas are officially back home with little Elliot. I haven't been able to see him since last week but I am getting my daily pictures by the dozen. Every picture with Olivia, she looks so happy. She has the same look and smile I did when I was with her. The smile and relief knowing you made the right decision because damn it's the best choice you ever made. Don't get me wrong, kids aren't for everyone but Olivia knew what she wanted. She got it and couldn't be happier. I'm happy for her. I spent so long hating and worrying about things that just didn't matter. I'm glad how everything turned out for her. Elliot couldn't be in better hands. Sometimes I hate to admit it but The Lucas Boy was made to be his father and the husband to Olivia. Even if it wasn't in ideal circumstances. Olivia found her Joe. I haven't seen a single day where that boy wasn't standing right next to her, supporting her. I'm proud of the two of them. I think I'm starting to be proud of myself as well.-Taylor <3
9/09/24: Dear Diary,
I started the hyperthermia treatment a few days ago. I would be lying if I said it didn't take a toll on me. What they have been doing is for 10-30 minutes, they insert a thin probe into the tumor and the probe does some high frequency current that heats the area, killing the cancerous cells. It's called radio frequency ablation. (RFA) Unfortunately, they don't really know the long term side effects but that's not really my problem right now. They are apparently doing RFA too since they don't think I would survive an actual surgery again. They also have to still continue my radiation and chemotherapy. I look horrible all the time and I have to depend on nasal tubes to breathe. Only having a single makes it harder to breathe.-Taylor <3
My diary entry gets interrupted by a couple doctors walking into the room. One stands in the back with a clip board while the other puts down the side rails on my bed.
"All right, you ready Miss Taylor?" Her name is Alara. She reminds me a lot of Piper. She has that same smile and perky attitude. Sometimes I think Piper gave me Alara because she knew she was the type of person I needed.
"Nooooooo, not again. We already did this today." Physical therapy is absolutely bullshit let me tell you. I think the doctors just want to see me suffer. What did I do to them?
"Come on, doctors orders." She hands me a incentive spirometer AKA those things doctors have you breathe into. It apparently helps your lungs or whatever. I take it from her and roll my eyes. I exhale, trying to control my breath as much as possible. After I'm done I hand the device back to her.
"Now for your favorite part!" Alara exclaims.
"Fuck you." I mock. She knows how much I hate this.
"Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"I'm just giving you a hard time." I chuckle lightly before swinging my legs over the side of the bed.
"You ready?"

Chasing Shadows (Jaylor Fanfiction)
Fanfiction[Sequel to The Tattoo Kiss] History repeats itself. Almost a decade later, Olivia is making the same mistakes as her mother. Will Taylor step up as a mother or sit back and watch it all burn?