Your Song

718 21 39

October 14th; 2023
3 Weeks Later
Olivia Swift's Point of View
Dear diary,
I got my first boyfriend when I was in 5th grade. It was cute in hindsight because we had no idea what the hell we were doing. I remember telling him that I loved him because I thought I knew what love was. I thought love was just hugging and kissing or something. I didn't know that love involved 'feelings' or whatever. In 5th grade I was mostly worried about if I would get to eat ice cream for dinner...and if my mom was going to be home.
Your first relationship never lasts long. I'm not sure how that's a common occurrence for every relationship. Maybe it's because your first relationship is only passion and eventually passion stops. In your first relationship, you don't know exactly how to love, all you know is the basics.
His name was August and it lasted about a month. He was my first kiss, my first love, but nothing else. I have no idea where he went, but sometimes I miss him. Not romantically but I would like to see him again. We were kids and full of purity.

Lucas and I have been together for almost two months which is the longest relationship I have ever had. For being fairly messed up, I think I'm doing pretty good. It's a pretty basic Saturday but Lucas is coming over. I'm excited to see him...I'm always excited to see him. I hate that I love him sometimes because I feel like I'm just setting myself up to get hurt.

            Olivia Swift

I set my journal aside and walk downstairs. I pass by my mom who I haven't been talking to much lately. We didn't walk much to begin with but now we never talk to be honest. We glare and she coughs. Coughing is a weird option in my opinion. A deep hoarse cough, like she's sick. Sick of this family probably.
The doorbell rings so I walk over to the door and open it. On the other side stands Lucas with a single flower.

"Okay, you should have brought at least two. Your name is Lucas Flowers." I tell him with a giggle.

"Hey, at least I brought one flower."

"I'm just messing around with you." I grin and open the door completely for him to walk in. I take the flower and Lucas trails behind me.

"Is it bad to assume that you have a piano somewhere in this household?" He asks.

"No. We have like 2 pianos here and a keyboard."

"Can I use one for a minute?"

"Uh, I don't see why not."

"Cool cause I've been working on something."

"You know how to play the piano?" I question.

"I mean, yes. I didn't say I was good at it though, let me clear that up."

"Can you sing?"

"You'll have to see."

"Ooo I'm intrigued. Come on, I'll show you where the studio is." We both walk into my mother's studio that's filled with awards, guitars, a piano and what feels like just every stringed instrument to exist.

"This is...a lot of stuff." He spills.

"I know." I open a door where the piano is located and turn on all the lights. Lucas looks around for a moment before sitting down on the bench for the piano.

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