𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚

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"I'm here for some star mango gelato."

She walked off straight passed you, Natsu and Gray, off to the destroyed shack.

"The shack is in ruins! What's the meaning of this?!" the woman, dubbed Brandish, whipped around to Marin.

"They're the reason it all went kaboom!" he pointed at you, Natsu and Gray.
"You dirty liar!"
"Say that again and I'll smack ya!"
"The one who blew it up was you!"

"I was looking forward to that..." Brandish sighed, "I'm going back!"
"Wait— Miss Brandish! These folks picked a fight with our soldiers..." Marin started, "they might also be trying to meet up with that spy!"

"I'm not interested!" Brandish cried, tears comically pouring from her eyes, "Marin, return their friends who 'passed.'"
"What?! But they're a part of my collection now... you said you'd allow that, Miss Brandish..." he whined.

Brandish suddenly stomped her foot and the ground went absolutely haywire. Everything around you began to rumble dangerously — you grabbed onto Gray's arm before you fell over.

"W-what is this?!" he said in shock.
"The ground..." Natsu trailed off.

Once the quaking stopped, it took you only a second.
"She just..." you started, "changed the shape of the island?!"

"Don't make me say it twice," she eyed Marin maliciously.
"Yes, ma'am!" he shouted at once.

Erza and Lucy tumbled to the ground from who-knows-where.
"Lucy, Erza!" Natsu exclaimed, running to them.
"Are you guys okay?!" you shouted after him.

"They were in no danger in my personal space, so they're fine! Just fine!" Marin spread his arms wide.

"That was the most vile room..." Erza hissed, crawling onto all-fours.
"We made it back..." Lucy rolled onto her haunch, "huh? There's one more?"

She stared at Brandish's back.

"Miss Brandish!" Marin piped up again, "our duty is to capture the spy and round up any of the spy's contacts! If we return empty handed, can you imagine what Mr. Wall will say?"

"Why should we waste our time looking for spies? Ishgar is no threat to us," Brandish stated.
"Of course, you're right. However, we can't strut proudly if we can't even catch the spy!" Marin opposed her point of view, "we'll have failing grades."

"I couldn't care less," Brandish answered tiredly.
"Wait!" Natsu yelled, "you hurt one of mine... you think I'm just gonna sit here quietly?"

Brandish looked back over should at Natsu, before raising her hand towards Marin. He made a confused noise, before disappearing in a cloud of dust at Brandish's hand.

Lucy covered her mouth with her hands, eyes going wide with shock.
"Now I'm minus one of my men," Brandish spoke, "that makes us even, right? This may disappoint you, but... I have no patience for drama."

"He was one of your own..." Natsu growled.
"And you killed him!" you snarled.

"And to avoid any further drama, I'll report both the spy and any accomplices as dead for you," the Alvarez woman continued, unfazed, "so don't come anywhere near Alakitasia."

She paused, before speaking again.
"Makarov is alive, you know. But if you do anything out of line... I wonder what would happen. Consider this your warning. Stay away from us."

With that, she used her magic again and instead of just returning the island to its original shape, she made it disappear completely.

You let out a choke as you were dunked into the cold, salty water with no warning.

"In Alvarez, there are twelve of us wizards who are this strong, so don't come picking battles you can't win," Brandish was perched on a singular piece of rock, "Fairy Tail."

And then, she disappeared.

Eventually, a passing fishing fleet spotted the hundreds of tourists floating in the water and, with the now apparent absence of Caracol Island, decided something was wrong and came to the rescue.

You were leant on Natsu, the both of you clutching your sides and letting out burps in turn. Natsu even farted at one point and for a few minutes you squirmed away in fear he might have followed through.

'That wizard, Brandish... she must have some sort of Transformation Magic,' you thought to yourself as a means of distraction, 'at a very high level.'

Your of thought was interrupted, however, when you were suddenly evaporated from the atmosphere and ended up somewhere completely different. The ground you had landed on groaned in pain and you realised it wasn't ground, but Gray.

"It's alright... it was... my magic," Mest groaned.
"Give us some warning next time!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Ooh! We're not in a moving vehicle anymore!" Natsu cheered.
"Yaay!" Wendy also cheered. You rolled off of Gray and begun your short celebration with them.

"Where are we, then?" Gray asked.
"Location-wise, we're in the neighbouring sea of Caracol Island. Or, well... under the sea," Mest explained.

"Under the sea?!" Lucy gasped in wonderment.

"Look at all the fish!" Happy shrieked.

"I made contact with our operative... and was given these coordinates..." Mest said, speech still slow and tired. You almost felt bad for him.

"What an odd place," Erza observed.
"And underwater temple?" Gray wondered.
"And look here..." Lucy waved at a window, "there's no glass!"

"Hey, this is cool!" Natsu said, before sticking his head through, "whgrl mrglnng ib wrrg?"

You interpreted that as 'what's making it work?' but you could be wrong.

"That's kind of dangerous, Natsu," Wendy said.
"Ub blub blub!" he bubbled in response.

"Now what?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"Mest!" Erza shouted.
"I-I don't know..." he said.
"Wait! Is this thing..." before Lucy could finish her sentence, you dropped to the floor, clutching your stomach.

Mest took a step to rush to your aid, but Erza held him back.
"Don't fret," her eyes gave a comical sparkle, "it's perfectly normal."

The temple did begin to whizz through the water, along the bottom of the sea. There was a sudden creaking and someone spoke, a familiar voice.

"Welcome to the mobile temple, Olympia!" some sort of throne turned to face your team. The woman perched on it was Angel, from the Oración Seis.

"I'm your captain, Sorano!" she winked.

"Angel?!" Lucy's jaw dropped.
"What's with the bikini?" Gray questioned.
"Well, we're in water... and why don't you put some clothes on, Mr. Full Frontal!" Carla chided loudly.

"Don't tell me the spy is..." Happy started.
"I agree!" Kuschel nodded.
"We have a winner!" Angel, or Sorano, cheered.

"Why her and not Erik?" Erza asked.
"Because he asks too many questions," Mest said shortly.
"The enemy found you out..." Lucy started, "and followed you to the island..."
"Which is now gone?" Carla finished.

"Hey, I almost lost my life too!" Sorano shouted, "by the way... I'm doing this as a personal favour to Mest, since I owe him one. Don't expect me to be all buddy-buddy with you now."

"Thank you, Angel... S-Sorano?" Lucy corrected herself with a smile. Sorano grabbed her by the straps of her bikini.
"I killed Karen. I wouldn't forget that if I were you," she leant in.

"Stop that, Sorano," Erza warned.
"Yes, ma'am!" Sorano complied.

"So... where are we... headed now?" Wendy wheezed.
"To hell... I think..." Natsu replied weakly. You let out a groan to compensate for your lack of speech.

"To where Makarov is," Sorano said.

"You... found out where the master is?!" Erza gasped.

"How do you like me now?" Sorano smirked.

𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 // 𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now