𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙮

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You arrived at Fairy Tail in due time, kicking the doors open and letting out an ebullient cackle.

That drew everyone's attention, to your liking.

"Oh! [Y/N]!" Mirajane gasped. Her, alongside Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Cana, Lisanna and Wendy, all approached to greet you. Rather than a formal greeting, Cana slung an arm around you, causing the other girls to follow suit.

"Hey, guys," you grinned.
"Welcome home!" Lisanna smiled, "how was your job?"

"Oh, it was a blast," you replied as the women released you, "I've gotten so much stronger."
"Juvia is very proud of you!" Juvia giggled, "as long as you're still with Rogue... Juvia can't handle another love rival right now."

"I'm really not interested in Gray," you said, "either way, dating Gray would be weird, y'know? 'Cause I've known him since I was, like, twelve."
"Exactly!" Natsu forced his way over, "which is why you should fight me!"

"What do those have to do with each other?!" Lucy shrieked.

"Not now, Natsu. [Y/N]'s been back for barely a day, I'm sure she isn't in the mood for fighting," Erza scolded.
"Thanks, Erza," you sighed.

"It's no problem," the redhead switched up immediately with a warm smile, "it's brilliant to have you back."

You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck before looking around. Gajeel's brows were quirked and he was staring straight at you.

"Hold on a sec, Gajeel's looking at me funny," when Erza nodded, you drifted away and over to the Iron Dragon Slayer.

"Oh, it's [Y/N]," Levy smiled kindly.
"Hey, Levy, Gajeel," you dipped your neck, "and Lily. Kuschel, go play with Lily!"
You placed down your Exceed.

"I'm not a child. I don't..." Panther Lily paused to sigh, before nodding and taking Kuschel by the hand to humour both you and her, "alright."

"What's the funny look for Gajeel?" you turned your attention back to the couple in front of you. Levy looked between you confusedly as Gajeel's crimson eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath in.

"Urgh," he gagged.
"What?" you blinked.

"I smell stupid Ryos all over ya, it's gross," he paused to register, "wait."

His jaw clenched and his fists tightened.

"What is it?" Levy's brows furrowed.
"I'm gonna kill him," Gajeel growled, "I'm gonna murder him. He's dead."

"What's the long face for?" Natsu strolled over, "why d'you look so funny? Pickin' a fight, bucket head?"

Happy escaped to go talk to Panther Lily and Kuschel. Gajeel didn't reply, but his eye twitched angrily.

Natsu stood for a moment before he scented the air and his mouth dropped open in shock. His clenched fists set aflame and he let out a yell of frustration.

You and Levy watched, dumbfounded. Laxus called over from close by.
"What're you chums mad about?" he said, "some of us are trying to relax."

Natsu took a breath before, very loudly, proclaiming, "Rogue banged [Y/N]! Our [Y/N]!!"

The chatter stopped and everyone went silent, the focus coming onto you and Natsu.

Laxus' composure began to crack, little by little, in undeniable rage. You watched him try to hold back the sparks of lightning that flickered across his body.

"Oh..." is all Levy said, whilst you went embarrassingly red.

"I'll break every bone in that chum's body," the Lightning Dragon Slayer growled. You stepped back, sweating profusely before grabbing Kuschel. She squeaked at your abruptness.

"That's nice, but, I-I'd better be going now!" you said anxiously.
"I think that's a good idea," Levy nodded. The three Dragon Slayers were emanating rage.

"It was great seeing you though! Ha," you backed away, eventually out of the guildhall. Gray asked you why you were leaving so soon, but all you had to do was gesture to Laxus, Gajeel and Natsu.

He nodded and then urged you to run, run as fast as you can, please. So you did just that to avoid the aftermath of the three Dragon Slayers' rage. It took you barely any time to return to your own guildhall, panting and damp with sweat.

"[Y/N]? What's up, why're you so sweaty?" Sting called almost immediately. You approached him and Rogue with Kuschel in your arms.

"Rogue, oh... they're gonna kill you when they see you," you laughed breathlessly, putting your hands on your knees.
"Wait, what? Who?" Rogue seemed to panic, "I've done nothing to offend Fairy Tail, I swear!"

"Oh, Rogue's dead," Sting laughed, "but, yeah. Why?"
"Sting," Kuschel tugged on his trouser leg, "what's banging?"

Sting slowly turned from the Exceed to you and Rogue - the Shadow Dragon Slayer's jaw was slack and he stared at the Exceed. Your face became increasingly hotter, becoming impossibly red.

Sting glanced from you, to Rogue, to you and back to Rogue, before scoffing and laughing, as if he didn't believe it. Then he looked back and saw how red the two of you had become and let out a scream, akin to that of a small child. Minerva and Yukino glanced over quizzically.

"Oh my god... you two... the scarves, in summer..." Sting realised, "oh my god."
Rogue made a quiet noise, almost a squeak.

"That- that's why Rogue's gonna die? Oh," Sting said.
"I guess that Gajeel's nose is just too good," you sighed.
"They sniffed you out? That's even better," Sting wheezed, "he smelled you and found out you- you- ew!"

"Okay, get over it!" Rogue hissed, "we get it, you're a virgin!"
"Hey!" Sting growled, "are you looking for a fight?"
"As much as you're looking to get your dick wet, virgin," the black-haired man snorted.

"Oh, it's on," the blond retorted, fists lighting up.

"And I thought you guys were different... but deep down, you're just like Natsu and Gajeel when they quarrel..." you sighed.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?!" Sting gaped.

"You two, stop arguing," Minerva scolded, "[Y/N] must most definitely be tired after her traversal from here to Fairy Tail and back. Please cut her some slack for once. She definitely doesn't need you two baboons arguing."

They stopped immediately and apologised simultaneously. You giggled at how much they reminded you of Gray, Natsu and Erza. You thought a little deeper and concluded that Yukino was the Lucy of the group, being a Celestial Wizard. Where did that leave you? Surely, you weren't... the Wendy of your friend group.

'Not that that's a bad thing,' you thought, 'I guess it kind of makes sense, though.'

"Don't you two have better things to be discussing?" the Territory Mage placed her hands on her hips.

"Yeah. What flowers would you like on your grave? Since we're having that party tonight to celebrate [Y/N] coming back?" Sting grinned, "where basically everyone's invited?"
"Oh, right," Rogue pinched the bridge of his nose, the scar across it creasing as he did so, "hmm, spider lilies, then."

"Right. I forgot you were a flower nerd when we were kids," Sting snorted, "what meaning's that one have?"
"I'm not telling you," Rogue folded his arms.

"I'm more disturbed that Rogue has actually accepted his death," Minerva commented.

"Well, it's not like I stand a chance against Natsu, Gajeel and Laxus, right?"

𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 // 𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now