Episode 1

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A car was heard with a beeping lock. After checking so the car wouldn't be busted in by some crazy hijack or robber, you makes your way to the underground carpark elevator for staffs. As the elevator door open, the cold breeze smacked you right in the face.

Y/N: Hmm, someone just recently used this elevator, huh?

You enter the elevator after it opens and chose the button to the designated floor.  You sighed as the doors closed and the elevator starts lifting you up. You reached into your small bag, took out the staff identity card and hung it around your neck. The elevator dings and opens the door and with haste you quickly got out of it. The lobby today was surprisingly full with visitors and patients taking their stroll. The sound of your (f/c) heels clacking on the marble floor as you make your way to the shared office.  Along the way, many patients smile and greeted you. Sometimes seeing the smiles of the patients you saved were very calming and made you hold onto your reason to become the best doctor up until today. You opened the door to the office and suddenly-

Mia: BAAH!

Y/N: AHHH! (smacks her with your bag)

Mia: Ouch! What the heck, Y/n???

This...is very normal to you. On a random day, as you're in your nice mood or chill mood, there's always this one person who tries to smack it away from you. And that person is Mia, a friend you met ever since joining Sumeru Academy. She's quite the joker type whenever she's around the people she's comfortable with. You, being one of them.


Mia: Jeez, sorry bro. No need to be mad. Plus, this is the 400th time you get jump scared. Really shows that you're sensitive, y/n.

Y/N: Sensitive or not I could be the patient you might treat soon. And, if you don't want to take care of my ass then better not try to kill me. 

Mia: Fine, fine. Besides, you're really the type to be immune with this kind of disease, right? You have a healthy lifestyle so chances of being diagnosed with very harming disease is low.

Y/N: But never zero, Mia.

Mia: Ah...that too.

You pushed her aside and make your way to your table. As you put down your bag on the chair, someone tapped your shoulder. You turn around and it was Mia again, this time with a lunchbox she's holding out to you. 

Y/N: For lunch?

Mia: Nope, breakfast now. 

Y/N: O-oh...

You take the cutely wrapped lunchbox. Feels heavy and the size by the way you're looking at it shows that it has 2 story. 

Y/N: This feels a lot-

Mia then grabs her lunchbox, drags you as well and make their way to the cafeteria. You quickly grabbed your coat along with hers before she leaves the office. What day is it again today? Then, something snapped in your mind. It was..."Share your Breakfast together with Friends Day". Huh. What's up with this hospital's event anyway? Moving on, the both of you finally reach the cafeteria. 

Mia: Get the usual spot. Want any drinks?

Y/N: (f/drinks) as usual. Oh and get me those sausage rolls too. Thanks.

Mia: Roger that. 

You both then split up to go your places. It's 8.45 a.m. and the sky is clear today. You took the tables next to the window with a clear view of the city, put the "lunchbox" or breakfast box on each side. You thought to yourself on what she gave to you for breakfast. It's heavy and pact. Not to mention a 2 story box. You open the wrapped cloth and it's a beautiful black 2 story bento box with also your name engraved on the lid. Did she bought this online? There's also a custom set of spoon and fork with your name also engraved on the holder part. You were surprised with this breakfast set she gave you. You really need to start thinking on what to give her soon on the hospital's next event.

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