Arrival after... almost 3/4 of a year?

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Hi, Author Sae here. After.. how long not including the Dottore reveal post?

So yeah, am here finally back after a lot of things/school/class happened. So now I'm gonna list down a few things before continuing this story and finishing it for good.

1. I realized that there's been an increase in readers after the reveal of Il Dottore in the game. Which is quite surprising because I thought he's gonna be the least liked among the Harbingers because of his story in the manhwa/manhua (yeah it's Chinese manga apparently). So yeah, but to those who are here reading and waiting, especially new ones, I guess welcome aboard to the Dottore Nation? But yeah, do hope you enjoy your reading session throughout the fan fic. (though there may be a few grammar problems in the early chapters because those were the times I didn't give any shit about it)

2. As of writing this, Genshin is currently in 3.3 I believe (but it's scara's banner right now). So, there's a lot of new lore and everything to the story. The main one is being Dottore of course. This book was made for Webttore or Il Dottore from the manhua. The short hair and funky little scientist dude who people thought was the third harbinger before the reveal. Now, in current patch he's apparently just a clone or i dont know some different build than the original. Which uh.. somewhat ticks the theory he has engines in his bodies. 

But to make things clear, I will be using Webttore for now because that was and is my original plan until the end of the story. So if you guys came for Omega Dottore or Prime Dottore, then i'm sorry because this book will not mention any relations of him with his clones or his creations that has ties with him. 

3. As for the Harbingers, I will continue with mine that I had already written in this book like Arlecchino, Pulcinella, Capitano and so on. From recent leaks, it has also mention that they are already listed by rank making Capitano on first, Dottore second and Arlecchino 4th. Pulcinella being 5th. Same goes for their weapons. Besides, this is a modern AU so weapons wont be count as much. Oh and for gender.. like Arlecchino, I have to go for a Male version of her sadly. Most of the Harbingers will most likely continue with my HC before the reveal.

4. To those asking, will Dottore be using his Harbinger name until the end or will he use a fanon name? Don't worry, I'll use his canon name for now. I don't want to spoil it but I'm sure most of the readers or Dottore stans know his name for now after doing some lore search in the game and so on.

5. What about his looks? I'll use his Webttore looks for now too. But maybe around the ending we'll go for his current patch hairstyle. Then again, it's up to the readers to interpret how he looks like. I'm just guiding on what he'll wear or some of the style I mention.

6. Most requested question is probably, when is the fan fic going to finish fully? I'm estimating around January or February if i don't have any major things. I can't really promise as I'm still stuck with packed schedule and all. Like I mention from the previous post about Dottore's reveal, we have like 5-8 ish more episodes. Hopefully, maybe some extra side story too. (aha small hints)

I think that's about it for this note I'm leaving after posting episode 21. I do hope you guys enjoy the story even if it's missing some few things. I already lost a bit of the plot (dont worry its minor ones) and some details. 

Also, this book has finally reached 1 years old. Hooray! (i guess)

But that's about it. Thank you for giving your time to read this note I prepare after a while not posting. Hope you guys are having a nice day!

- Author Sae -

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