Episode 8

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???: It's already 15 minutes late, where is Dottore?

Tartaglia: Dunno sir. He's been quiet for the past week. His assistant said that he was trying to convince the hospital to give him more people or dead bodies to experiment with. But...we didn't hear anything from his side after their trip to the hospital.

???: Then, what about his assistant?

Tartaglia: We contacted them but no responds.

???: Is he on another project again? Dear Tsaritsa, Dottore you really need to stop using the main funds for your no progress project.

Tartaglia: Hold on, sir. Wasn't he suppose to be working with the army's supplements? Their boosters I mean. It's been two months but we only progressed as much to 45%. There might be a chance where he's about to finish the supplements-

Scaramouche: You're wrong.

The room went silent as Scaramouche denies Tartaglia's statement.

???: What do you mean, Scaramouche? Do you perhaps know Dottore's whereabouts and what he's working on right now?

Scaramouche: I do.

Signora: My~ Didn't know Dottore's favorite project knows his whereabouts. Got a change of heart for him, Scaramouche?

Scaramouche: Do I look like I change for people that easily?

Signora: My bad~ Now, go on with your explanation.

Scaramouche: ...Anyways, his lab blew up.

??? & Tartaglia: WHAT??

Signora: Oh? That is...surprisingly new. I never heard an explosion case from his side.

Tartaglia: What did he do until his lab blew up? Did he make some crazy chemical stuff again but explosive this time? A circuit problem? Or TNT was one of his new projects??

Scaramouche: It's either an inside job or someone managed to infiltrate to free the people inside and give a bit of his own medicine. I don't know, I don't hold any grudges with him.

???: Free the people? And I thought his work only revolves around volunteers from the army? What did he do this time..? The Tsaritsa is going to be mad if she founds out about this.

Tartaglia: Is that the only info you have about him? The lab blew up but that doesn't tell us about Dottore's whereabouts.

Scaramouche: Rushed to the hospital. Met with his assistant yesterday but they seemed like a dog without an owner. Probably something bad happened to him.

Tartaglia then stood up from his chair while slamming the meeting table.

Tartaglia: Then what are we waiting for?! We need to check up on him!

???: Hold on, Tartaglia. Which hospital was he rushed to again?

Scaramouche: Teyvat Hospital. The new Director doesn't really approve of us unlike the one's in the past. Such a shame that the past director pass from heart cancer. They were "really" supportive of us.

Signora: So that means only a few of us can enter the hospital just to check up on him. By a few I mean people from this table that doesn't look too suspicious.

The meeting was again silent. Everyone kept looking at each other to find a candidate or two to go and check up on Dottore at the hospital. After a few minutes with no results, Tartaglia volunteers himself.

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