Episode 7

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Sometime in the morning the day after...

Y/N: Hello? Yes, Mr. Director? 

Work has started and you're at Dottore's room. Don't worry, you didn't stayed for the night when he was awake. When your shift ended yesterday, you told him that you'll be going home for the day. He asked who'll take care of him when he needs something when you're gone? You pointed at the "call for a nurse" button. He was a bit disappointed that you're not taking care of him, probably because he doesn't want to show his face to other people except for the people he knows or people who treated him. You said to not worry because you're still going to be working in his room for a few days or maybe the next two days. At least that cheers him up a bit. You asked one of the nurse at the counter on how Dottore was doing when you were gone. They were a bit...tired with his calls. Seems like he was not okay without people who doesn't know how to control him. You could only sigh when the nurse replies. 

Dottore: Oi, y/n. I'm bored. Mind getting me those games you promised me yesterday?

Oh wow. So spoiled. He literally had breakfast and the TV was on but somehow he's bored? You raised your hand up to signal him to wait for a moment while you're in call with the director. 5 minutes later, you're still not done with the call. If a call with the director lasts longer than 5-6 minutes, you knew that the whole week or month is going to be a busy one for you. Dottore then calls out to you again, this time with a more mad tone. Again, your hand signals him to wait. After a good 10 minutes call, you finally hung up the call. You stood up and look at Dottore and holy what-

He was crossing his arms while pouting. It does look cute though-

Dottore: 15 minutes, y/n. I was bored because I have nothing in my hands and you dare say to me to wait? What is so important that you need to call for 15 minutes, huh? 

Y/N: Look, sorry... I need to do some explanation on certain topics and upcoming meetings. Plus, it's already the season where people will be flooding the hospital. Rich and Poor. 

Dottore: Do I look like I care about your work? Stop everything you're doing and get me something to fidget or play with.

Y/N: ...(silent)

You went to search for the plushies you bought for him before. You found the first plushie, that was the squid one. You took it out of the plastic it was in and threw it to Dottore. He caught it and then looks at you confused.

Dottore: What is this?

Y/N: (silent)

Dottore: ...an octopus? That can flip sides? Why did you give me this? What can I even do with this?

He didn't realize that you were walking to his way, with the huge anemo slime in hand. He was too busy observing the octopus and also flipping the sides. Once he was about to ask another question, he looks at you. You were already at his side with a...forced smile plastered on your face. You put the huge anemo slime gently on his right arm.

Dottore: An...anemo slime? What for? You didn't promised me this two yesterday. Besides, even if you did promised me to bring these two, what am I going to do- HMPH!

You stuff his face with the huge anemo slime while saying;

Y/N: Mind shutting the fuck up for once? I'm not your fucking maid to bring you items that you want. Besides, this is a hospital. Not your fucking home and I'm not your personal assistant or anything.

sheesh y/n with the curses.

After a few taps from him signaling you to let him breathe, you pulled away the anemo slime from him. Congrats Y/N, you almost killed a patient. A person you know as well. Welp, at least that can make him shut up for once but not for a while. You put the anemo slime plushie next to him and went back to your seat at the couch. You opened your laptop to continue with your papers and maybe unread emails from other departments. The TV was off and you can see Dottore's reflection there. Seems like he enjoyed the plushies well. There were times he was looking out the window while hugging the plushies. Isn't that adorable?

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