Episode 21

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Before the Episode starts off, I would like to note that most of the medical terms used in here might be wrong and unlogical because these are just my understanding from Google alone. Plus, all the medical things happening in here are just purely fictional and has nothing to do with IRL or events happening. Some conditions are also taken from real disease IRL.


Recap from last episode....

Jack was calling out to someone or something. Everything around Dottore started to get blurry and static like a TV without a proper line. His ears were ringing and his eyes were shot wide open even though he still doesn't know what or who is going to the ER. But his heart, it was racing fast. As if he was shocked with something. Jack and Sam already rushed their way to the rushing patient, the other 2 people quickly went to the ER to get items ready.

Dottore quickly catches up with them that were trying to rush the patient to the ER. As he finally gets close, he saw it. The horror in his eyes for the first time. His heart felt like it got ripped out violently and a whole void appeared in his chest. Everything finally comes in clear. Dottore can hear everything clearly. The callings of the doctors to their fallen friend, the sound of an announcement being made to give way to the doctors and lastly... the sound of someone's true heart beating fast.

Dottore: N-no....


The rushed Y/N, is now far from Dottore's main sight. He felt like catching up to you and see how your conditions were. His legs felt weak. Everything around almost collapsed to the sudden shock. 

Dottore: I need to go... I can't stay for long.

He whispered to himself to runaway. That isn't what he wanted. He wanted to rush his way to you and help you in some way.

Dottore: No... Pierro might be mad at me. I stayed away for too long. I need to-

???: Go to her Dottore...

A voice rang in his mind. It was so familiar to him. Though, the voice sounded like a mix of your voice and the Tsaritsa's. Is Her Majesty sending a message to Dottore by telekinesis or something? Though, that's not the main point right now.

Dottore: But... I need to leave.

???: Trust me... It's worth it for your future.

Then without a second thought, he already made his mind to rush to you, not giving a damn to the other people. Mia and the others had already arrived at the ER, just getting ready to treat you. Dottore during this trying time, tries his best to remember the way to the ER. It's been a while he haven't walked out of his own ward and explore the hospital except for that one trip to your office. Finally, he saw a signboard that was titled Emergency Room. In an instant, he tried to barge in but thanks to some random tight security, he was stopped by one of the officers.

Officer: Where do you think you're going?!

Dottore: Let me in! I need to help someone in there!

Dottore tried his best to break through the officer's guard.

Officer: You're not even a staff.

Dottore: Officer, let me enter please! She needs my help!

Officer: If the rushing patient does need your help, you need to speak with a doctor to see them.

This already made Dottore's blood boil. With the time ticking and blood lost that Y/N is going through, he doesn't have a choice to do it.

Dottore: Please, you need to let me in! I have a major in the medical field, IN FACT A PHD! I can treat her, I'm a Senior Doctor at Snezhnaya's Military Hospital!

Double PhD's | Il Dottore x Reader (SHORT HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now