Episode 23

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A/N: Istg i can't really keep up with my promises when it comes to writing. Sigh. Anyways, do enjoy this episode while i'm struggling to understand what I write in my drafts for this episode.





Where am I?

Why are there no sources of lights?

Why am I here?

I thought I don't have to go through this weird nightmare.

Why can't I wake up from this.. sleep?

Is this really sleep?

Or is it slumber?

I don't..

I don't know..



Help me..

Take me away from this.. scary place..









"Ah, it seems like you've reach the end of your fantasy world."


Who are you..?


"Someone who took care of you while you were knocked out unconscious."


Unconscious? W-what happened to me..?


[A small giggle was heard. It sounded like a mature woman]


"Let's just say, the organization you hated most did this to you."



"Well, I'm not sure who's "them" you're referring to but probably, yes."

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