Episode 17

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Dottore's Room...

Dottore: Hmm... Where is she? I thought her call already ended?

He sat on the couch with plushies in hand.

Dottore: Test subject 03, what do you think she's doing?

He asked the Anemo Slime plush. He then took it's wings and made it flap as if it's replying back to him. Not liking the answer he received, he squished the slime just like puffing up a pillow before sleep. He hung his head back.

Dottore: Kraken, what about you?

From the happy little octopus, he then turns it into the mad side. Another negative answer. A loud sigh was heard from him.

Dottore: Where the hell are you, y/n?

He stayed like that for a few minutes until it's time for him to take a shower. No this is not his first time taking a shower. This is like his... something something time. He likes to take a shower here rather than the HQ because god damn is Snezhnaya cold. Like, the shower literally spits out ice cubes instead of water. Back to Dottore, he puts aside the plushies and made his way to the bathroom. Mumbling something under his breath.

As he enters the bathroom, he took off his ward garments and threw it into his laundry basket, but it accidentally went in to yours. He cursed and quickly took his garments to put it into his laundry basket. As he's done with it, he realized something in your basket. A sweater. A sweater that you usually wear during rainy nights. Boy, was it cold during those nights, you had to wear triple layer of jackets to finally warm yourself. Him being... Dottore, took it and inspects it.

Dottore: Did she only brought in one sweater?

She didn't wear it everytime. Only during cold nights, so she recycled it every few times. Once it's 3-4 times used, she would wash it.

Dottore: What brand is this? It feels soft... And comfortable.

He then searches for the tag. And there you go, Uniqlo (i don't know any fancy sweater brands), and it was the AA type material for the sweater. Damn, she do have some cash on her to buy these type of quality for clothes.

Dottore: Maybe I should get one of these once I'm out...

Out? Dottore then stops for a second to rethink about what he had said just now.

Dottore: Ah, I have about... 2 and less weeks left...

He looks at your sweater in hand. Gripping it softly while his face was trying to hide something. Not wanting to hide his feelings and burdening his heart, he pulls your sweater closer to smell it's fragrance. It was (fav/perfume, fragrance). Boy, was it like a drug for him.

Dottore: Never knew you had this nice smell...

He kept on doing this until he felt like he's done. Which was 5 whole minutes with just your sweater. Damn. After he's FINALLY done, he puts back the sweater back to its place. Finally, stepping into the shower booth to take a shower. Though, not everything goes well after smelling a certain fragrance.

Steam was floating out of the shower booth. Dottore is taking a hot shower as it seems. Probably because he can't take a normal warm shower back in the HQ. Usually, his shower would take around 5 minutes, but this time... It's more than his usual shower time. What is he up to?

Dottore: Tch...

Something seems to be on his mind. What could it be?

Dottore: Stop thinking about her, darn it!

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