Episode 18

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(dear lord I'm so sorry for the delay of this episode. Will continue my reason in A/N below)


How long has it been? You thought to yourself. Hands clutching while you try not to let any tears fall from the corner of your eyes. The amount of events you had right after you left his room is...unbearable. Too much for you and your mental state. The first few days after you left, some staff nurse were complaining that he hasn't been taking his food and his room was a mess despite not having many furniture or items in there. You sighed shakily. It's for the best, Y/N. It's for the best and yourself...

You took a nearby cup of coffee and drank it all down, finishing it. You closed your eyes tightly to take all the bitter taste in for yourself. You set the cup down slowly... and to your realization, you have around 20 paper cups or more of coffee on your work table ever since that event happened. Your eyes gets heavier despite the huge amount of caffeine is inside you, though you knew this type of behavior is because you can't stand with yourself. You were annoyed of yourself. You feel like hating yourself. So many emotions were so... confusing to you. It's frustrating.

Y/N: ...sigh.

Why? Why specifically you to go through this kind of hell hole? Before you can even go deep with your negative imaginations, someone knocked on your door from the staff office side. You let out a loud "Hm", signaling them to come in. The door opens, it was Rae.

Rae: Y/N...

You eyes slowly made it's way to look at him. He looks sad. You wonder what it could be? 

Rae: Y/N, please... Go home and rest. You lived in your office for weeks now. Not to mention have you showered today yet?

You shook your head telling him no.

Rae: Dear Archon, Y/N. Let me get you back home by your car, I can take a taxi from your house or street once you're finally home.

Y/N: Rae...thank you, but no. I'm fine for now. I'll be staying in here until I feel like I really need to leave and go home.

Rae: But- Your eating lifestyle?! Can't you see how many noodle cups are there on your coffee table?  And your coffee drinks?!

You look at the coffee table. There were multiple colors of noodle cups on it. Boy, you can actually make a rainbow structure with all those colorful noodle cups. Though, you didn't give a shit about it.

Y/N: I'll uh...buy some proper food tomorrow, or...claim the staff food from the café.

Rae: I- Urgh, Y/N. Please, get a good night rest at home instead of the hospital, please? I don't like seeing you like this. Mia and the other staff also said the same thing.

You stopped for a while.

Y/N: ...I won't. I thank you for your worry and concern but I really need to supervise this patient. So please, Rae. I can do everything by myself. I know when I'll stop being like this.

Rae not knowing how to stop you from doing this crazy lifestyle of yours and continuing the conversation, he just shakes his head in disbelief .

Rae: Sigh... I'll be taking my leave now. Take care of yourself... and good night.

Y/N: ...good night, Rae.

The door shuts close. You let out a heavy sigh and looked to your still open monitor. Your eyes focused on someone's picture. 

Y/N: I won't leave this hospital until he's recovered...


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