Episode 22

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A/N: This is an early note i'm putting up just in case. This episode is somewhat a filler but will have some major plot lines in (im not so sure myself). This episode may or may not be long like the usual ones i write before (e.g ep 21), it depends really. i'm expecting around 5k words for this episode but it may go further. So uh, expect some long or short episode here. That's all. - Author Sae-

Somewhere on the road...

Dottore was driving alone in the night lit highway making his way back to Snezhnaya. Though, his mind was wandering off to something else while driving his way back.

Dottore: ...It doesn't hurt to take the longer way back to Snezhnaya right..?

He thought to himself. Though before he could decide to go with what decision he had in mind, there was a 2 way road (i don't know the name for this road) a few meters away from him. Making the road going back to Snezhnaya split in 2. The one on the left takes 2 hours more to Snezhnaya while as the one at the right is by highway and a shortcut right away to Snezhnaya's border.

Dottore: I guess the Heavenly Celestia overheard my thoughts about this...

He then sped up the car a bit to take the route to his left, meaning that he's taking the long way to home.

 Dottore: Only once... I thank the Heavenly Celestia for this...

Deep down, Dottore believes much more to the Heavenly principals or Celestia and the Abyss. As for the Archons, he doesn't believe much on them because they're still living on the same earth, specifically Teyvat, so he took them as the most highest religious leader for the people on this world. 

He then re-thought about what he had just said..

Dottore: Ah... I think I'm following in her habits..

Does believing in something counts as a habit? Shockingly for Dottore it is for some reason. He then continued his journey on the road though it will take some time for him to finally arrive to Snezhnaya's and Fontaine's National Border. Surprisingly, on Fontaine's road and highway, there's a lot of cars and trucks on it despite it being midnight. Even the city from afar is still lit up with many different colors may it be from billboards, skyscrapers or even apartment buildings. Dottore could only look at the city view from the driver's window.

Dottore: ...

He was silent when looking out at the view even though he should be focusing at the front because he was driving. He then remembered a conversation between you and him back when the hospital was holding a sponsor party.

"Y/N: Ah, you must have a thing for night view aesthetic!"

"Dottore: I believe so. Growing up on a countryside just to be thrown away and living far away from any big cities does makes it feels weird and calming seeing this view for the first time. Though, even if it's not my first, I do might enjoy this view for as long as i live.

Dottore: ... the night before the party..

He mumbled to himself. So many thing were being process inside of his mind. Talking about the party from before, he remembered that he was dragged away by Jack and Rae to make the people around not talk about you and him.

Dottore: ...is that one of the few hints of him to not get me near Y/N..?


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