Episode 6

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Sometime in the afternoon...

Y/N: Y'know, sometimes I'm grateful that the director paired you up with me. Eases up some jobs I can't do without a vision. Thanks for everything, Rae. 

Rae: A pleasure working with you too, y/n. You also helped me a lot when I'm stuck on certain things. So, thank you as well. 

Rae is one of your colleagues and also your assistant. He's currently in his 2nd year working at the hospital while you are already 4 years or more. You called him in to help cure away Dottore's burn marks. He was quite shock when he was called from the office to go to the VVIP ward because it was his first time reaching and working at this floor. Well, this time only. He then ask you a question;

Rae: It seems that you stayed here for the night. You got your spare clothes bag with you in here. If you don't mind me asking, are you a relative or a friend to him? 

Y/N: An academy mate? You could say it's like that. He's my senior.

Rae: I see...He looks like a nice person from what I'm seeing here.

Y/N: Aha...not really. He can be a maniac sometimes. 

Rae: Oh? Why so?

Y/N: Uhh...bad social skills as in makes everyone confuse and...bad temper. 

Rae: You know you can be dry sometimes when you talk with people, right?

Y/N: Oh shush, this is about him.

As the both of you continue chatting, Rae finally finishes up curing Dottore's burn marks. Done. No more villain look. You thanked Rae again for the help. Before you could guide him to leave the room, he asked you something about work. It's about a certain patient's disease. Both of you were deep into the conversation until you didn't realize something was moving. 

Dottore: Ugh...why do I feel like my face is wet...?

What? You thought you were hearing things but as you were about to continue, Rae looks at Dottore. Did he heard it too? You look at Dottore again. This time, his hands were weakly going to his face to feel something. You could not believe your eyes. Is he finally awake? 

Dottore: Wait...where am I? (touches face) Where's my mask?!

Dottore then sits up panickily. Oh no, this is bad. He's not used to his new heart and lungs yet. Him being in a panic could greatly give him a sudden heart attack. He then lock eyes with you. Your breath hitched as he looks at you dead in the eyes.

Dottore: Where am I? Why am I on this bed? What did you both do to me and why is my face wet?

Y/N: Dottore, I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Don't panic as it will give you a sudden shock.

Dottore: Who are you to order me around like a patient?! And how do you know my name?

Y/N: Dottore- I mean, sir. I need you to calm down. You are the patient right now.

Dottore: Me, patient? What did I do until I became a- Oh...

It looks like he remembers it. You sighed after he managed to calm down. You told Rae to leave the room and said you can handle this situation fine. He nods and leaves the room in a hurry so he doesn't disturb the both of you. 

Y/N: What is your chest feeling right now? Feel anything tight or discomfort?

Dottore: My chest is completely fine and it's none of your business.

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