Episode 2

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A few hours later after the operation, you are making your way to Ganyu's VIP ward. The staff almost put her into the normal ward because they thought she was a normal patient after surgery but luckily you managed to stop them midway and told them to bring her to the VIP ward instead. They questioned you on why putting her in the VIP ward but you could only whisper to them, "Liyue" and all of them gulped and look at each other. When the name Liyue is mentioned, people know it's a nation with high class and power. Even if the person looks like a normal citizen, in reality they could be a son of a company's highest rank CEO. One small discomfort or mistake, the hospital could be sued thousands or maybe millions. Also when it comes to lawsuit or anything that requires the law, Liyue is also one of the top 3 nations that can win every type of cases but since Fontaine is the nation of Justice or quote on quote, City of Law, they're first. You reached the VIP ward floor and went to room 315, Ganyu's room. To your suprise, Xiao was already there with 2 more people. A tall man with dark clothing and a young lady with pink hair and...horns again? Is she her sister? You knock on the door and ask;

Y/N: Am i interrupting something personal? I can wait outside until you guys are finish.

The man with dark clothing turns around look at you. Wait....ISN'T THAT ZHONGLI, THE WORLD RENOWNED MINISTER OF LIYUE'S ECONOMICS?? You could only let out a covered cough to cover your surprised face.

Zhongli: Ah no, you can come in. I believe it's the results after the operation.

???: Ooh! Xiao said a bullet was stuck inside of her. Mind if I check?

Zhongli: Ahem.

???: Huh? Oh, right. Forgot to introduce myself. Hehe, sorry~ The name's Yanfei, a personal attorney for Mr. Zhongli. But since he's also a guardian for Ganyu, I guess you could say I'm their family lawyer.

Xiao: It's not family, Yanfei. 

Yanfei: Oh fine...

Y/N: Pleasure to meet you, Yanfei and you too Mr. Zhongli. So, straight to the point, I'll tell the post-operation side effects for Ganyu.

Zhongli: Alright then, go on.

You took out an evidence bag in your pocket with the bullet that you took out before. It was already clean from the blood before, only a few scratches were left on it. You put it on the table in front of the patient's bed.

Y/N: This is a butterfly bullet. This bullet can explode as the same size of a bowling ball to be accurate. But thanks to a miracle "grenade", it managed to delay the explosion and got stuck in her abdomen. If we were too late, her body might go through stress and pressure will happen inside the body and causes it to explode. Not only causing damage to internal organs but also killing her on the spot. The amount of gunpowder here is half of a grenade, so imagine the explosion of a grenade then compare it to a butterfly ammo which is half of it.

Zhongli: You're quite resourceful with gunfire knowledge. Are you from the army or anything?

Y/N: Daughter of Fontaine's star attorney, he usually tells this type of information when he's back home. 

Yanfei: Fontaine's star attorney, as in, Senior Attorney Louise (l/n)?! Oh wow! I didn't know her daughter works as a front liner! 

Zhongli: (ignores Yanfei because it's not about Ganyu's post-op results) So, what is the post-operation side effects?

Y/N: Ah that...she might have trouble with eating and maybe a bit uncomfortable when sitting. I suggest just rise up the bed 75 degrees using the remote at the side of it, just in case she feels like sitting. There should be a preset for it. For her diet, she might need something light for the first week because the sudden shock and pressure at her abdomen made her stomach weak. If her condition gets better by next week, she can go back to her normal diet. I suggest getting her yogurt every lunch and dinner. That might fasten up her recovery.

Zhongli: I see...Thank you for the explanation, Doctor...?

Y/N: A-ah...i forgot to tell my name. It's Dr. (y/n). (y/n) (l/n).

Zhongli: Thank you again for the explanation, Dr. (y/n). Yanfei, you can start now.

Yanfei: Alright! So-

The door opens. Everyone in the room looked at the entrance. Well that was rude of them to not knock on the door fir- 
Your eyes widen with the figure that just entered the room. It was your father, Louise. He's in his best suit today. That is from the new hairstyle you're seeing . Nice choice of slick back, dad.

Y/N: Father?? What are you doing here? I'm in the middle of explaining- well not really explaining but I'm with the patient's guardian and lawyer right now! Can't you at least wait outside or call me later??

Louise: (Laughs) Oh, (y/n). Still with your little professionalism. My mistake for barging in instead of knocking. I believe you're the one who contacted me to talk about this Fatui shooting outbreak and the evidence we gain right?

He looks at Yanfei.

Yanfei: Bingo! Your daughter just explained everything about this bullet, so we can skip that part and move onto how they start the shooting outbreak. 

Louise: I see...Seems like you do hold some of the info I accidentally blurted out when I'm at home, huh? 

Y/N: If it's related to a patient then it is important, father.

Louise: Well that is true. Besides, both the medical field and the law field sometimes work together right? Forensics and lawsuits sometimes. (chuckles) Don't mind that, back to our work. We need Ganyu's suspect to tell everything that he knows and what happened at that time. Let us all take a seat.

As everyone is seated, all is needed to give their full cooperation to help get more clues and evidence and to take down the Fatui since this is their work that is to corrupt people and nations worldwide. After Xiao was done with the whole interrogation, he was a bit left behind because he lack the knowledge in the whole discussion you guys were in. Louise and Yanfei being lawyers and Mr. Zhongli as the economy minister which also have a few extra proofs he have from working with the Fatui before. After being done with your medical explanation, you noticed Xiao was spacing out. You excused yourself and told them that you'll be taking Xiao on a stroll to release the tension he's in right now. You invited Xiao to go to the mini mart together on the ground floor to buy some ice cream. He accepted your request and tags along.

After buying ice cream from the Mini Mart

Both of you were enjoying your ice cream at the hospital's playground. After finishing yours, you felt like asking Xiao a question but before you could say anything, he spoke to you first.

Xiao: Thank you for saving Ganyu.

Y/N: Hm? Ah...you're welcome.

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