Valentine's Day Special

580 23 14

Note: Hi, yes, I'm late for Valentine but best to write it later than not right? Anyways, like always, extra bonus content episode will not have any effect on the main stories. This will take place between Episode 22 and Episode 23. Mostly, will be focusing Dottore's POV. I guess That's all, and enjoy the Special Episode! ^^


Dottore's POV


Why do I feel uncomfortable...? Where am I..? 

I tried to wake up but my body felt so weak and heavy as if I've been running for the whole day. Again, i tried to wake up but this time by focusing my mental to properly start up first before the body. Then..

Dottore: ... (groans)

My eyes finally opens. But my eyelids were also heavy to open them fully. My vision was still blurry so I tried to look around to lessen it if that somehow works.

Dottore: ...Where am I..?

A white ceiling with lights hidden under it's corners, y'know like those luxurious modern house ceilings. It took me a few seconds to process where I'm at and from there realization hits me. I sat up straight in an instant. Looking around me as if i was paranoid.

Dottore: ...this isn't my room.

I scanned the room again. It looks like a living room. Wait no.. More like a lobby or a waiting room.

Dottore: But this isn't the Palace nor my workplace...?

I questioned while I'm still looking around the room to see where I am. Slowly realization comes to my mind.

Dottore: Wait... this is Y/N's house... Specifically the waiting room...

I then looked back and saw the very aesthetic sofa pillows. Seems like I was asleep on her waiting room's sofa.

Dottore: Hm.. it surely was comfortable than my own pillow.. But..

I then faced back to the front to see what was on my lap. It was a blanket.

Dottore: ...I don't remember her waiting room having a blanket..

I took off the blanket from my lap and put it aside. 

Dottore: ...should I even look around? I might mistaken her house for someone else's house. Even though the chances for someone else to kidnap me is... something else.

I then thought about it for a while. After coming to a conclusion, I shrugged it off and got up from the sofa.

Dottore: A little exploration wouldn't hurt, right..?

I thought again to myself while fixing my bed hair from the sleep or nap I had recently. Not wanting to waste time,  I took a step to start the exploration around.. "Y/N's house". 

Dottore: Let's see... The waiting room is of course at the front part of the house... Her living room is somewhere at the middle part of the house. Also connected to the kitchen..

I tried to rethink of what her house's interior blueprint was.. like where was certain places.

Dottore: Let's just hope I'm not awake at the wrong time..


Open POV


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