Frozen Tears

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Silence took over the dusty air of the barn while a ringing began sounding in Wilbur's ear. The sound of the wings caught there attention, having only heard it when danger was upon them. Scrambling to their feet the two boys stood in awe at the massive grey wings settled at their fathers back. Soon enough they retracted fully and disappeared into his cloak.

Phil turned around slowly to face them, Tommy nestled into his robes on his hip. "I asked you to do one thing."

"I'm sorry! I can still feed the chick-" Techno started, turning to grab the bag of seeds.

"No. This isn't about the chickens. Your brother almost died just a second ago and you're still worried about the chickens?" Phil shouted. It was a rare occasion to see their father so angry.

Techno's eyes grew wide. "What?" He mumbled, pure confusion lacing his tone.

"Tommy, your brother, the one I keep having to remind you both is still young and needs supervision, could have just been eaten alive by a recluse and neither of you would have seen it, because you were too busy fighting each other over something meaningless." His voice was fiery with anger.

Wilbur looked as if he were numb. The blood having rushed to his feet, left his face pale and his lips blue. He couldn't even find the words to say, having never seen his father so heated.

"Get in the house." Phil mumbled.

"But-" Techno's eyes filled up with tears. He knew he wouldn't be going on that hunting trip anytime soon.

"Techno. I don't want to hear another word."

His glasses fogged and his large ears dropped. Techno took off out of the barn heading straight for the lake that sat to the left of their home. He only goes there when he's sad. The water catches his tears so they never touch the ground.

Wilbur lagged behind him but resulted in going to the house, where it was still warm. Upon entering he didn't slip off his shoes. Instead he walked up the stairs into his bedroom and grabbed his coat and hat.

After finishing their job Philza walked into the kitchen as well. Setting Tommy down by the bookcase he watched as Wilbur trotted down the stairs. Through eye contact Phil knew exactly where his son was going. He wouldn't stop him.

Wilbur opened the door letting a cold surge of wind burst through. Tommy shivered and waved to him as he left. "Dadza where is Willy goin'?"

"To the lake Tommy, he'll be back." He replied.

It was bitter outside. The snow covered ground crunched beneath the rubber boots he'd been wearing. No flowers, no animals, no nothing in sight just a blue coat flapping in the wind in the distance. The further away Wilbur got from home the further his hands shoved themselves into their pockets. His nose was numb and his eyes were glossy but still he kept on until he reached the back of his brother.

"I'm sorry." Wil said, loud enough for him to hear. He received no answer. "Techno it's my fault."

"No. It's mine." He turned around to face him, eyes frozen shut from tears.

Wilbur tried his best to hold in his laugh. "Uh-I had a lot I was going to say but I don't think I can do that while you look like that."

Techno cracked a laugh under his breath. "Listen, I wasn't expectin the lake to be frozen over so I had to just hold it in-then my eyes got stuck. If you can get me back to the house in one piece we can call it even."

Wilbur's laugh continued. Bending down he picked up some powered snow and chucked it at Techno's face to mimic the hay he'd shoved in his not too long before. "Now, we're even." He hoisted his brother's arm over his shoulder and they began the trek back to the house.

Bursting through the door Wil called for his father. "Dad run me some warm water."

"Wha-Why?" He answered peaking around from the kitchen. "-oh boy."

"Snow!" Tommy shouted as their boots tracked in muddy ice.

"No no. Go back over there." Wilbur shooed him away as he reached to pull out a chair for his brother to sit on.

Phil placed the water on the table and grabbed a cloth out of the cabinet. "Here use this." He spoke softly, handing the cloth to Wilbur.

He smiled and dipped the rag into the pot of water and dabbed it on Techno's face. "Is it too hot?"

"A little, but I'll be alright." He replied.

"Hey! I wanna help! Lemme up there." Tommy whined, his eyes barely peeking over the tabletop. Phil chuckled and picked him up. "I'm a healer, I can save you Techno." The boys laughed as Tommy stood up on the table. "Are you dead?"

"No Tommy I'm not dead. I'll never die."

"You might have been if I didn't come to find you." Wil challenged.

"Alright that's enough." Phil mumbled with a smile. "How about we have an early dinner."

"Sounds good to me, I'm starvin." Techno says with his head resting back on the chair.

"Let me hold it Willy!" Tommy pushed his hands away from the cloth over his brother eyes and proceeded to hold it on his face. He mimicked the same movements as his older brother having payed good attention.

"I'd be happy with anything really. But you know what I've been craving these past few days?" Wilbur says sitting down at the table.

"Mushroom Stew." The twins said in unison. Techno lifted the cloth with one hand to make eye contact with his other voice.

"Hmm, that does sound good. We'll have to go into town-" Phil started.

"We'll?" Wilbur reiterated. "Does that mean we can come too?" He stared at his father with beaming eyes and watched as a loving smile grew on his face.

A gasp shot out of Techno's chest and the fire roared a little bit louder. "I'll finally be able to get the bow I've been wanting."

"We can go to the library, oh, and the bakery! I wonder if Niki is there?" Wilbur's smile grew even wider.

"We won't have all day, but we can go some places." Phil said. "Why don't you two go get cleaned up. We can leave in twenty minutes."

The two boys shot up from their chairs and darted up the stairs, only reaching halfway, they stopped and turned around. Rushing back they practically jumped onto Phil in one massive effort to give him a hug.

"Oi! No hugs without me." Tommy said leaping from the table onto his fathers arm, wrapping himself around like a bear.

Phil took a deep breath and smiled. It was moments like these that make seeing them grow up so difficult. "Just don't forget who your family is boys. You have to look out for each other, no matter what." He patted their backs and sent them rushing up the stairs once again hoping that this time it would get through to them.

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