The Boy in the Box

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A shiver ran down Tommy's back as they entered the artisan's section of the marketplace. Pungent smells of all sorts stung up his nostrils. Fresh produce, fruits, and the rank smell of cows laid stagnant in the air, causing him to curl his nose up and make a face of discomfort.

Phil noticed this and picked him up allowing him to bury his face into the fur of his overcoat. As he kept on, villagers called to him seemingly trying to make a sale on their products. All he needed were mushrooms for his stew and maybe some milk. They'd had cattle before but they died off after a blizzard earlier into the winter.

Turning the corner he saw his regular seller and found what he was looking for. "Thank you Haplek. You're always so kind to me."

"Of course! You served us well back in the old wars, now I will provide you with what I can. Besides, you have more mouths to feed I see. Who is this little fella?"

Tommy's head lifted off his father's shoulder. "This is Thomas. He's not very fond of the smell." Phil's brows raised with a grin.

"I see." The man chuckled. "Well I won't keep you. I suggest you get home before the sun sets."

"Why's that?" Phil asked confused.

"Nuna called for another blizzard to hit us at dusk. She said it's coming from the east and if I remember correctly that's where your home stands. You'll want to get home in time to prepare."

A lump formed in his throat as his eyes darted towards the sky. By the looks of it, they'd have one more hour of light to get home. The trip was nearly that. "Right. Well I'll be seeing you! Thanks again." Phil sped away quickly heading straight for the library.

Meanwhile, the twins had just sat down with their pastries in the bakery. Wil had gotten an apple crème puff while his brother ordered a cocoa cookie. The chocolate practically melted in his mouth sending sweet shivers down his thawing spine.

"How long have you guys been in town?" A girl asked, her hair as golden as the sun.

"Just for the past few hours. It was a random trip." Wilbur said taking another bite out of his dessert. "Want to see the books I got from the library?"

The girl nodded and sat down at the table with them. "Enchanting books?"

"Yes! Apparently they're written in some code by the old wizards. I'll have to figure out how to read it." Wilbur excitedly answered.

"That should be interesting. Mum said I can't get another book for at least two weeks. I have to earn it by working here." She rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky. We only get one trip a year." Wil spoke closing up his book and returning it to his satchel.

Techno looked at the clock on the wall. They'd been gone nearly forty minutes. Quickly shooting up from his chair he shoved the rest of his cookie in his mouth and began walking towards the window.

"What are you doing?" Wil asked.

"We've been gone for too long. Dad's not gonna be happy." Techno said, his eyes widened and his ears dropped. "Hurry up and finish eatin."

A taller woman walked out from behind the display. "Niki? Oh there you are. And who are you lot?"

"These are my friends from the outskirts mum, Wilbur, and Techno." Niki pointed to them as she said their names. "They were stopping by town today."

"Well nice to meet you both but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave as soon as possible."

"Wha-mum!" Niki protested. "Why?"

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