Splitting Ties

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A few days went by, those of which were occupied by one sick teenage boy. He threw up mixtures of raw stomach acid and rabbit nearly every hour. Though his color had come back to him, his eyes still remained a lighter shade of blue than before. They assumed it was a side affect of the infection being in his system for so long.

"Hey Tom. How are you feeling today?" Phil walked into the boys room half past noon. The sight was questionable. Tubbo laid sprawled out on the floor next to a bucket of bile while Tommy sat in his bed chewing on a piece of ice. His blood stained face and hands had since been washed.

"I'm feeling a little better today. This ice is very good." The blonde boy spoke.

"Yeah but you're forgetting the part where I stayed up with you all night and held this bucket of throw up." Tubbo said not even flinching on the floor.

"Heh. Yeah that did happen. But I haven't puked since like five this morning. That's a good sign right?" He answered positively. His usual energized tone returning in spurts.

"Yeah definitely." Phil answered. "Tubs go eat." He said picking up the bucket off the floor. "The boys and I will be out in the fields. We have to harvest the rest of the wheat before it gets too cold out."

The horned fellow began dragging himself on the floor of their room with his arms not wanting to get up. His brother laughed at the site of it. "Can I have some actual food yet?"

Phil turned from following the boy on the floor. "Hm. Have a couple pieces of bread and see how you do. No jam, just plain bread." The boy whined at his suggestion. "-or you could just wait until tomorrow." Sluggishly getting up from bed he joined his best friend on the ground and began crawling past his father making him smile.


Two weeks past and the blonde boy was back to normal. Wilbur had spent an exceptional amount of time reading about land ownership and construction after making the decision he was going to officially start his life away from home.

"Will, you're sure you'll be able to handle both of them?" Phil ask his dubbed eldest. "They are still young and-"

"-stupid? Hm, yeah we knew that one." The tall scruffy haired brunette interrupted. "We'll be fine." By the looks of his fathers face he could tell doubt still ran through his head. "Look we're gonna settle down in a remote area just like where we are now. I know exactly how this kind of stuff works."

"I know you do but I just worry, you know. It's what fathers do. One day I'm sure you'll worry about your children too." The warm smile he gave radiated into Wilbur's soul. He'd never forget it. "Right, well I suppose I should go see what kind of mess they've made upstairs."

As he reached the top of the staircase, a pink haired boy sat at the study desk while the other two scrambled to gather everything they could carry in their room to the right. "Tubbo what about your compass!" Tommy shouted across the room, waving a rusty old compass that didn't even work in the air.

"Oh your right! How could I forget that. We'd be lost without one of those." The boy replied.

"You guys do realize that a compass doesn't point you in the direction of where you want to go. It just points towards the north." Their father laughed.

"You do realize that we are smarter than the average man Dadza. Me and Tubzo here control the way the compass goes. Right Tubbo?" Tommy made his statement asking for backup.

"Yeah! We just tell the compass where we want to go and it just moves because it knows we are better than it." Tubbo ended their case with his evidence as Phil laughed.

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