The Infection

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As the early afternoon light broke through the dew covered glass pane windows, a few birds chirped in the trees. The air inside was chilled and wet from the rainy nights humidity.

A creek in the old wooden structure woke Tubbo up with a shake. Wiping the cold sweat of his forehead he peered off his bed and saw where his blanket had ended up. Laying back down, his eyes fell on Tommy's empty cot. Sheets strewn about.

Swinging his legs over the bed he placed his bare feet onto the cold floor and winced at its chilled surface. Still he pushed on and walked out of their room. Peering through the hall he heard a clang from what sounded to be in the kitchen. Was he the only one up?

As he walked through the halls his notion confirmed itself. His pink and brunette haired brothers still fast asleep, the same going for his father. Maybe he's making breakfast.

Touching the smooth railings of the stairs he took cautious steps down. Each step getting cooler as he came to the bottom floor. Reaching the bottom he glanced left towards the kitchen. There he saw the culprit of the noise and began walking towards it. Tommy sat crouched on his feet digging through the bottom cupboards. "Tom, what are you doing?" He whispered.

No answer was received so he whispered his name again. "Tom!" Still nothing and yet the boy kept on with his activity. Slightly annoyed at his ignorance Tubbo got closer and placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Hey! Don't ignore me-"

He stopped.

The face that turned around to him was that of horror. Memory of the night before shot through his head like a bullet through paper. Startled, Tubbo began taking steps back. His breath became short and his heart pounded faster.

Tommy's face was covered in raw meat and blood. A rabbit seemed to be the victim judging by the leg that was left on the floor. His eyes were bloodshot and glazed over and his skin was nearly translucent, a faint green almost. Tubbo watched as he stood and faced him. Curiosity filled his blank eyes as he took a staggered step towards him.

For a moment Tubbo wanted to believe Tommy was still in there, even as tears began building in his eyes. They stood for a moment in the silence of their kitchen and stared at each other.

Tommy broke that silence when he lunged for his brother with a snarling growl. Tubbo yelped and fell back on the stairs. Aimlessly avoiding his brothers drunk tackles he scurried up the wooden steps. This is my fault.

Dashing towards his father's open door he quickly slammed it behind himself as his mutated brother reached the top of the stairs. A jolt came from his father as he woke to the sound of the latch clashing with the wood frame. Seconds later another groan shot through the hall and a pound on the door explained Tubbo's horrified expression as he held the door shut with his back. Phil shot out of bed and towards his son as he heard another door shut abruptly.

"Tommy-he's-a-" The boy tried to speak through staggering breaths.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Phil moved him to the side. "Are you okay? Did he touch you?"

"N-no." He answered trying to calm down. "Is he gone for good?"

Phil sighed in relief. "No. I can fix it. You need to stay in here."

Tubbo sighed in frustration. "It's my fault. I'm the reason he-"

"Tubbo, It's okay. If anything you should be grateful that it wasn't you who got scratched." Phil smiled.

Beyond the door across the hall spoke the twins. "Why do things constantly go wrong with this family?" Wilbur grunted as he held their door shut. His remark sparked a chuckle from his ivory tusked brother as he pulled a shirt over his head. The mutant outside their door pounded and snarled recklessly trying to get in. Wilbur almost struggling to keep the door shut. "What the-this thing is strong-"

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