Legends Past

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The path to the market was covered in a thick layer of snow. No marks from his last trip a week before were imprinted. This would be Tommy's second trip into town since he was born four years prior. The twins however earned a trip every year since they were three, this would be their fifth.

Phil had several reasons why he didn't chose to live in town. The boys were told that he'd always wanted to start a farm away from his home. When they grew older however he figured they'd see the truth on their own. This place was never his home town.

"When we get into the marketplace you are not to touch anything. Do you understand?" Phil reminded them, adjusting his satchel across his chest. Techno mimicked this gesture.

"I wonder if they'll have any new books? Maybe some enchanting ones! I really want to learn how to enchant like you." Wilbur went on.

"Yeah you can enchant my sword!" Techno added running ahead.

Tommy held his fathers hand while his eyes wandered around the tall buildings that barracked their sides. He'd been too young to really understand what things were when they last traveled here. The place bustled with creatures and people of all sorts, merchants, blacksmiths, witches, wizards, you name it. Tents and stands lined the streets and at the center stood a tall fir tree decorated with colorful lights that connected to the surrounding buildings. Snow and ice covered the cobblestone paths making it hard for Tommy's little feet to keep steady. His boots were make of leather to keep his toes warm in the harsh conditions while the rest of his family had iron-laced cleats. Phil specifically designed them to be better for running in the snow and ice.

The smell of fresh baked goods and potions brewing flew through the air just the same as the many whispers from nearby pedestrians. Tommy watched as his brother's non-human ears twitched and perked up at the sound of an iron hammer to an anvil. His eyes sparkled with delight.

"There it is! The blacksmith is right there! C'mon lets go!" Techno shouted grabbing Wilbur's hand and running towards it. Tommy shook his hand out of his fathers and bolted after them. Going to stop himself he slid right into the back of his brother and fell on his bottom. Phil smiled and chuckled under his breath as he made his way over.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the harpy and his three little boys." A man said. His voice was deep and raspy but kind. "You've gotten taller since you were last here. Maybe someday you'll shoot past me." The man emerged from the darkness of the tent. His frame looked brute and warrior-like, though his round belly said otherwise.

"Torphin! How has business been?" Phil spoke.

"Oh just like back then, but a we'bit slower. There aren't as many fighters in this town as there used to be." His sentences were shrouded by his accent. "N'they don't call themselves warriors anymore. They're mere 'soldiers' now and stuck up ones at that. But no matter, business is business."

"I see. Well you're in luck today. I've brought three of the finest warriors who are in need of weapons. What do you have in stock?" Phil said standing proudly behind his boys. Tommy smiled happily to be included and puffed out his chest a bit. Meanwhile Techno's eyes darted to his fathers and his ears perked up even further.

Torphin let out a jolly chuckle. "These do look like some fine warriors, n'for them I can only provide the best." Turning around with a grin displayed under his scruffy beard, he began unhooking several items from overhanging racks. "Now, I'll urge you to remember these are not toys." He paused to look each one of them in the eye. "We'll start with the little one here. For you I've got a bow. N'I know it may seem ordinary but I can assure you it is anything but that. I've enchanted it with Power Three. Use it wisely, big man." Tommy's eyes lit up as he felt the leather grip of its handle. "Next, for the brown eyed boy, I have an ancient iron axe that goes by the name, Havoc. This weapon has taken down the fiercest beasts and has been past down for generations. The blade is said to never go dull, so I ask that you do be careful with it." Wilbur willingly took hold of it, pure joy displayed on his face at the historical meaning of his new weapon. Reaching under his table, Torphin pulled out a box. "Last, but certainly not least, we have the hybrid. I've kept this treasure safe like my father, and his father before him and so on, now, I believe it is time to be delivered back to it's true beholder." He paused to unlock the chest. Inside a purple silk cloth cushioned a sparkling diamond blade. It's handle was laced with gold engravings and symbols, none of which Techno knew. Yet, he felt a strange attachment towards it the moment his eyes laid upon it. "Legend says that this blade belonged to one of the greatest Piglin rulers in history, King Techoron. Upon his death bed he bestowed this sword to my five times great grandfather who aided him in battle years before. After he passed, the new ruler led your people into poverty and the district fell mere years afterward. While some managed to escape and disperse among society, the rest disappeared into the nether regions. Some adventures say they've seen them wandering around aimlessly. It's time this blade gained back it's proper owner. That's why I need you to have it." The man closed the box and placed the key in Techno's palm. The boy was in pure shock at the history he'd just learned of himself. He didn't like to talk about it with his father because of what happened to their mother four years prior.

"Are you sure you-" Phil started looking almost as shocked as his boy. Torphin reassured him with a nod and gentle smile. "What do you boys have to say?

"Thank you!" Each of them shouted over the counter. Tommy on the tips of his toes.

"How much do I owe you?" Phil asked opening his satchel.

"It's on me." He answered. Phil tried to object but was stopped again. "Consider it a Christmas gift."

"I have to repay you some how."

"Maybe someday your boys can supply me with ores. But until then it's a gift." The man smiled. "Hurry along I'm sure I wasn't your only stop planned for today's light. We'll see each other again." The boys waved as he shooed them away. Tommy hugged his bow and skipped along.

"Wil, why don't you let me hold that axe while you're in the library. Me and Tommy are going to stop in the artisans section." Wilbur willingly handed over the heavy axe and made eyes at the bakery that stood next to the library. "Stay together and don't spend all your gold please. We will meet back here in half an hour. Got it?"

The twins nodded and parted with their father, dashing towards the library. Upon entering, the boys quickly found themselves overwhelmed. Towering shelves of books stood before them. Each section labeled with subjects. Sciences, mathematics, arts, but more importantly, history. After hearing what little Torphin knew about his ancestors, Techno made it his priority to know anything and everything else there was to know. He made his way over to the letter P section assuming there would be an abundance of Piglin related history books. To his dismay there were only two. A leather backed journal that looked fairly torn apart on the outside and an old history book. Nevertheless, he took what he could get and searched for his brother.

Wilbur had a stack of books balanced in his right hand. He'd been in the enchanting isle for not even ten minutes and already managed to forget how much money he had to spend.

Techno walked slowly past the isle making a double take after seeing the edges of a grey beanie poking out from a tower of books. "Wil?" He said. "What are you doin? How many books do you need?"

"If all of them was an answer I'd say it. Just look at these books Techno." He shoved two at his face. "With this one you can enchant a fish and make it become human. How weird is that? Oh and this one, this one, teaches you how to write your own enchanting spell. Think of all the knowledge-"

"Okay okay, but how are you going to pay for all these?" Techno asked with an eyebrow raised. His pink hair falling out of its tie.

Wilbur's look of immense passion disappeared as he soon realized he'd only be able to buy a quarter amount of the volumes he'd plucked from the shelves. "Right. I guess I'll have to pick out the best ones."

"You'll definitely need this one." Techno handed him the book titled, Enchanting Fish for Friends.

Wilbur took it rolling his eyes. He stacked it alongside his other two books and began heading towards the keeper.

"Enchantment books eh?" The woman spoke inspecting them.

"Yes ma'am. I am very excited to read them." Wil answered with a polite smile.

"So you can read the symbols of the old wizards who wrote these here books? Huh." She paused, glasses sliding down the bridge of her longish nose. "You're awfully young."

Wilbur stood confused, even looking at Techno for help. But all he received was a shrug. "Um, symbols?" He asked.

The librarian chuckled and flipped open on of his books. "These symbols." A page laid in font of them completely covered in symbols and dots. "The writers of these books wrote in a special code to keep their enchantments a secret from society. Nowadays smart people use them if they've got enough time on their hands to decode the pages."

"I'll take them." Wilbur handed over a sac of gold coins containing just enough for his books. Shortly after Techno did the same and they were off to the bakery.

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