The Spar of Time

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It was a cool spring afternoon, the grass was greener than ever and the leaves on the trees were ruffling in the soft winds of the valley. Four large targets stood in a line a few yards away from the house. Each of the boys stood at the opposing ends handling a bow and a loaded arrow.

"Right. On my mark you'll fire your best shot." Phil said. The twins pulled back their arches and aimed while the littles struggled to keep the arrow in place. "Fire!" He shouted.

A bullseye for the hybrid and a near perfect shot for his mirrored brother. Tommy's arrow managed to go further than expected, landing a shot on the lowest ring. Meanwhile Tubbo's landed in the grass just underneath.

"That was great! You boys are naturals." The proud father said.

"Dadza can we take a break? I'm hungry!" Tommy shouted, Tubbo agreed.

"Go ahead. There's leftovers in the cupboard." He answered. "Don't make a mess."

As the two little ones ran off Wilbur aimed another shot and fired. It landed on the same ring. He grunted in frustration. "What am I doing differently? I can never seem to get it in the middle."

Techno smiled greedily as he knew he was better. "I can hit the middle."

Wilbur rolled his eyes and loaded another arrow. "So what. You're good at archery who cares." He fired again this one a centimeter closer to his desired landing point. "I bet I could beat you close combat. Don't forget I read all those books about the arts of an axe."

Techno chuckled. The voices in the back of his head chuckling with him. He'd gotten used to them at this point. "I doubt it. Fighting's in my blood. I wouldn't want to hurt you Wilbur."

"We're brothers." Wil said raising a brow. "If it's in your blood then it's in mine too."

"That's enough." Phil said sternly as he stepped in between them. "Go inside and get something to eat. We'll practice sparing after."

Phil entered the house just behind them. Tommy and Tubbo were sat at the table, a jar of honey open and several strawberries were scattered about. Red coloring stained the boy's fingers and mouths.

Techno laughed through his nose at the sight as his father sighed knowing he'd have to clean up their mess. "You have fun with that." He said turning and grabbing the last cooked potato out of the pantry.

Wilbur joined his brothers at the table and began eating strawberries along with them. "I've nearly figured out the code for my enchantments dad."

"Nice." He said smiling. "Have you finished all your schoolwork?"

Wilbur nodded shyly. "I bet Tommy hasn't."

Hearing his voice he looked up, bright blue eyes beaming. His hands were coated with honey. "Huh?" He mumbled out. Wilbur laughed.

Techno took his plate of food to the couch. There he retrieved his history book from the side table and continued where he left off. The memories of what his father had told him before flowing through his mind as he read through the pages. Questions sparked as he heard the story replay in the back of his head. If the law of piglin exile still stands, why has he never been worried to bring me into town?

"Dad." He said. "Why have you never been scared I'll be taken away if I'm seen?" He turned to look at him in the kitchen.

Phil stopped a moment in shock of his random question. "Well, you don't exactly look like a piglin, yet. Eventually, your tusks will sharpen and grow larger, and your ears will droop, giving you away. Now, people probably just assume you're a changeling."

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