The Disc and the Raid cont.

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It was an easy walk down the trail to town. It was quiet, not even any birds in the trees chirped. Just the crunch of the browning leaves under their boots. But soon enough they'd made it.

The sweat smell of the bakery filled their noses and the sounds of iron being hammered rang through their ears. "So where should we start looking?" Tubbo asked.

"Well the traveling merchant said the disc would be being sold at some antique shop. I dunno where that is." Tommy answered looking around.

"We could walk to the library and ask Wil. I'm sure he's around." Tubbo added fixing the weight of his bag on his shoulders.

His pal nodded and they took a left towards the town library. Niki's family bakery still in good business as they passed by.

Tubbo peered through the glass doors and spotted a tall brown-haired fellow holding a stack of books. His white tunic sleeves rolled up his arms as he disappeared behind a bookshelf. "I see him Tom." The two of them ran in and darted towards the place he'd seen him.

"Can I help you ma'am? Yes. The potion brewing section is going to be down to the left. You'll see it there's a big sign. My pleasure." The faint voice of Wilbur sounded from the end of the hall of towering bookcases.

"Wil!" Tommy shouted running at him with his arms out.

"Tommy?" Wilbur said before a crushed grunt left his throat as the two younger boys embraced him. "Wha-t are you guys doing here? Where's Dadza?"

"Dadza is um, he's-" Tommy started.

"Phil's at home. We snuck out to buy that new music disc they are selling." Tubbo inserted. Soon after receiving a smack on the arm from Tommy.

"Why would you say that-ANYWAY-We need to know if you know where they're selling it." Tommy smiled a mischievous smile, his eyes wide.

"Hold on." Wilbur set down his books on the floor. "You mean to tell me, you two-" Tommy nodded. "Tommy and Tubbo-" The goat child replied with a yup. "Managed to sneak out of the house and make it all the way here without getting lost or dying?"

"Well I mean yeah. That's what we said didn't we?" Tommy added as Wilbur broke into a crackling laugh. "Listen Wil this is serious. We need this music disc."

"Right, right. A music disc. Last I heard they were almost out, three left I think. They're going for three hundred pieces, so thirty silver coins, or six gold. How many have you?" Wilbur went on.

"I have fifteen." Tubbo spoke. "Tommy you only have twelve. We won't be able to afford it."

Tommy closed his eyes and sighed. "I guess we'll just go back then."

"Catch." Wilbur blurted flicking a single gold piece into the air. "I've had that set aside for your Christmas gifts but if you can find a better one on your own then have at it. Merry Christmas. Antique shop is in sector two down a block from the bakery."

A delighted gasp shot out of the boys chest as they scrambled to catch it. "Thank you Wilbur." They said in unison just before running for the door.

"Hey check in with me before you head home and don't do anything stupid either." Wil shouted at them as they darted out. He sighed with a laugh having never seen them so excited about something before.

Returning to his task he began putting the books back in their rightful places. Minutes had passed until he was finished with his pile. Taking a step back he admired his work and returned to the front for another stack when Niki burst through the front door. "Wil! You have to close now."

"What why?"

"Raiders." She said out of breath. "I've just got word raiders are on their way here."

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