A Family Reunion

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"Mom?" Wilbur spoke softly to himself in confusion. Techno turned his head to the side and glanced at the paper his twin was holding. "You're trying to find mom?"

Techno let out a huff through his nose as his jaw clenched. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Is-is that, her-" Wilbur stuttered in astonishment, pointing to the old journal now sat on his bed.

"Yes." He answered. "I got it at the library, that one time."

Wilbur's memory jogged as he could picture some of the moments of that night. "Dad said she was dead."

"He only told us that because he didn't know. He just assumed." Techno kept packing. "Her journal is dedicated to us. That's how I knew she might still be out there, somewhere."

A staggering breath left the curly haired brunette's lungs. "Why did you keep this hidden?"

"Wil, from what I can read she's thousands of miles away from here. It would be too risky to bring any of you along." He answered.

Wilbur scoffed. "Hm. Right. I forgot I'm just some incapable goat to you."

"That's definitely not what I said-"

"No no, it is." Wilbur spoke over him being careful not to get to loud as to let the others overhear their conversation. Taking a step forward, he spoke again. "All you do is cut yourself off from anything and everyone around you. You've turned into some self obsessed, stone cold, idiot who thinks only they have the power to save the world. A-and now you make yourself crazy with these stupid intonations that mom is still alive. Techno, I've read the history books. I've tried to find where the stupid portal to the nether world is, for Notch's sake." He paused to catch his breath. "They are gone. Mom is gone-"

He was frustrated at his brothers lack of support and hope. It angered him and more importantly, the voices he'd just been able to quiet for the time being. The nerves in his hands tingled as the forces urged for control. Luckily Techno had the will power to deter his actions. Taking the nearest glass on the table he hurled it just to the side of his brothers head. "You don't know what it's like!" He shouted. Seconds later the glass smashed against the wall just beside the door.

With a dodge Wilbur avoided its blow and shook at the sound it made as it shattered. Quickly turning back to face his brother his brows furrowed and then softened as he saw the same desperate expression he'd only seen a few times before in all his life.

The two stood for a moment. Techno, fuming with anger and frustration, sank onto his cot. His hands dug into his hair and held tight as he breathed heavily. Wilbur's only choice was to watch as he broke down.

"What was that?" Tubbo yelled from the other room.

"I-uh-accidentally dropped a glass-cleaning it up now-uh-be out in a minute!" Wilbur shouted all at once, peering out the door and closing it swiftly.

Wilbur stood with his back faced towards his brother for a moment. He stared down at his feet trying to think of what to say. Maybe he'd taken it to far?

Out of the silence and staggered breaths came the same old monotone voice. "You don't know what it's like."

Wilbur peered over his shoulder and glanced at his brother as he looked at his open hands. Calluses and scars of battle freckling the surface of his pale skin.

"I'm not like you, or anyone. I'm an outcast Wil." He paused. "If they find me, it's over. I have no other purpose here."

Wilbur waited before he spoke. "You really think you'd be able to find her?"

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