The Scared

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As his large wings unfolded the scared sixteen year old boy with a bloodied jaw became visible. He wasn't dead but the blade had sliced open the skin under his jaw tracing up behind his ear. "Go get me some cloths and a bucket of water." Phil spoke softly his tone still brut as ever. He was anything but calm but he wouldn't show it.

Techno sat a few feet away from them his hair began falling out of its tie. How would he explain to them this wasn't his fault? How was he ever going to live this down? Would they kick him out? Leave him to die?

Questions raced around in his head as he watched his younger siblings rush out with supplies. His father tending to the wound that he'd created on his brothers perfect skin. It would leave a scar.

You're weak. Like your mother. Why didn't you kill him? You failed. Worthless. Failure. Peasant. Hog. You're no king.

The voices began mocking him. Conjuring up tears in his eyes. He couldn't move, he didn't want to. But he needed to make sure his brother was okay. The voices got louder and louder making the silent tears roll down his cheeks. The mockery getting to his head. He didn't know how long he could hold back his anguish. He needed to be alone.

Wilburs eyes trailed over to his brother. He sees a pained look on his face, one he'd never seen in anyone before. It was awful. He tugged on his fathers tunic and pointed. Holding the cloth to his own face he crawled out of his fathers arms and motioned for him to go to Techno.

Techno's breath stifled. The mocks and scrutiny tearing him to shreds. His father neared him but he shuffled back. "No! Get away from me. I don't want to hurt anyone else."

"You're not going to hurt me. I just want to know what happened." He said.

Techno heaved breaths in and out as he sat on his knees. His hands tangled in the mess of his hair. "You won't believe me." He mumbled in a desperate voice.

"Who said I wouldn't believe you?" Phil answered.

Finally looking up to his father, his eyes wet with tears. "I-it's the voices. I can't-I can't-"

"You need to calm down Techno." He said kneeling down with him, placing a hand on his back.

"They're so loud-I can't control it. They've been gone for so long-I lost control." He muttered, sentences running together.

"What voices?"

"I don't know! They're in my head-make it stop! Please! They mock me and demand-" He huffed. "-they demand blood."

Phil's heart sank. He had no idea what was happening to his son and he didn't know how to help him. The only thing he could do was provide comfort. "Techno it's okay. They will go away. Just think about the good things. Wilbur Is okay."

Techno smeared the tears on his face and rubbed his eyes.

"Just give it time. You'll learn to control it." His father said. "Boys help Wil up let's go inside."


The smell of a steaming pot of soup filled the air of their humble home. The sun had just begun to go down and the table was set for dinner.

Wilbur left for the washroom to finish cleaning himself up while Tubbo and Tommy start sword fighting in the living room. Techno stood in the doorway for a moment, the voices slowly creeping away.
Soon after he walked upstairs to his room with small intentions of returning to his family's dinner.

"Tom n' Tubs, what have I said about fighting in the house?" Phil said peering around the wall of the kitchen.

"That it's not allowed." Tubbo stopped and said in a monotone voice. "Sorry Phil."

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