A Fireplace

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The wind blew harder while the snow and ice thickened by the second. They were nearly five minutes away. The light from their home could be seen flickering in the distance. Phil often glanced at his sons to make sure they were still there. Wilbur hadn't moved a bit since he'd picked him up and the child they'd found was fast asleep on his back. He didn't know when, but at some point Techno allowed Tommy to climb on his back as well.

"We're nearly there. Just keep going." Phil shouted through the swooshed sounds of wind in the trees.

Techno looked tired. Though his stamina could out best both his brothers, this was getting to be too much. His hood had been pushed back and a pile of snow covered his head. Tommy seemed to have fallen asleep, or so he hoped.

Phil was surprised that they hadn't come into contact with any strays yet. During blizzards it's like they come up from the ground. They double in quantity and reign arrows on anything and anyone.

With every step they took, the warmth of their home could be felt. Phil just hoped they could make it.

"Dad!" A shout came from behind him as he made it to the porch of their house. He hadn't noticed Techno had fallen behind for a split second. Turning around he saw his son holding out his sword with a shaking hand. Surprisingly it was a zombie who'd encountered them, a frozen one at that. Phil reached for his crossbow at his side but it wasn't there. It must have dropped when he picked up the child a while back.

Phil eyes widened in fear. He wasn't carrying his sword either having not even brought it on the trip. Bursting through the doors of his house he set Wil and the child down on the floor and ran back out. "Hang on!" He shouted, wings unleashing themselves. Within seconds he was in the air.

Techno held his sword out as the zombie followed him. His feet naturally taking him backward. He feared he wouldn't be strong enough to fend it off himself so he called for his father. The deep breaths he was taking got thinner and thinner as the hot air left his lungs. Still he gripped his sword and held it in front of himself and his young brother.

Whispers of voices past shot through his head again. They chanted in his numb ears, so loud it sounded as if they stood behind him. They called for him and built him back up. A surge of regeneration took over his limbs and his eyes glossed over. A ringing sound cleared his ear, yet the chanting kept going. Next thing he knew his sword was sunken deep in the chest of his enemy. A grunt and huff rumbled out of him and the once regenerated feeling that coursed through his veins disintegrated and left him even more fatigued than before. He fell to his knees but soon after was swooped into the arms of his father. He could hear the sounds of his wings fighting the wind but he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.


The sound of a wooden bowl hitting the table echoed through his ears. Next the crackling warmth of the fireplace began burning on his skin and the weight of a blanket constricted his stretch. Turning to his side, his face was met with one he was unfamiliar of.

"Hello!" The child shouted, a smile displayed on his face. He adorned a green shirt that was much to big for him and some dark blue pants. His feet were bare and his hair was a dark ruffled brown.

Techno jolted back on the couch he laid on with a shout. "Wha-" He rubbed his eyes and tapped around for his glasses. "Where am I?"

"OI BROTHER!" Another boy roared jumping on his legs.

The two children laughed and began climbing on him until another voice was heard through the grunts and growls of the disoriented boy. "Oh sorry I have your glasses. I've been wearing them since you were asleep. Not only do we have the same face, we have the same lame vision too."

"Boys that's enough, come sit at the table." A deeper voice said. "Wil, help your brother up why don't you."

His sense of smell rushed back all too quickly making his stomach growl. The flavorful aroma of the mushroom concoction that always cured them on sour days filled the air of their home.

Home. I'm home? But-, Techno thought to himself looking up over the couch. Flashes of the last thing he'd seen shot through his vision leaving goosebumps in their wake. The gory image of a skewered zombie, black blood dripping onto the once pristine blade. The voices and their calls. The ruthless smile he displayed in action could still be felt in his sore cheekbones. Techno, he could still hear them whispering in the back of his mind. Technoblade.

"Techno!" Wilbur shouted waving a hand frantically in front of his face. "Are you sure he's okay dad? He still seems, out of it."

Breaking his stare at the dinning table he blinked and collected his surroundings. "Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking." With slight help from his brother he found his chair at the table and they were finally able to have the soup that caused them so much trouble.

"So who's this kid?" Wilbur speaks up with a laugh. He had only just woken up a few more minutes before. His twin chuckles under his breath at the comment as well.

"I don't know." Phil answers. "We found him in a box on the way back. I couldn't have just left him out there to die in the snow. So now he's here."

The child practically drained his bowl. Phil assumed he hadn't had a good meal in days, if not weeks. The image of the man in the forest was still vivid in his mind every time he looked at the boy's face.

"Does he have a name?" Wil asked putting a spoonful of soup to his mouth.

Phil shook his head. "Tommy don't play with your food." He said sternly watching his son's hands begin to reach into his bowl.

"Tubbo said he likes the mushrooms." He mumbled.

Phil's brows raised. "Who?"

"He likes the mushrooms. Tubbo likes the-shrooms." He spoke up pointing to his new friend.

"Tubbo?" Phil said. The child turned and gave his attention to the taller man. His ears were abnormally large indicating he wasn't fully human. By the looks of the little pointed horns peaking through his hair, he figured he either had some goat or ram genetics. Which would explain the curled horns he saw on the man in the woods who he assumed was his unloving father.

It was a sad and confusing story that still brought about many questions. Though Phil did what he knew was right and he vowed to take care of him as one of his own. Even if it meant Tommy would now be able to get into double the trouble with his new best friend.

"Tubbo it is. How 'bout some more soup boys? There's still plenty." Phil said standing. Each one of them happily nodded and pushed their bowls towards him.

"Don't forget, extra shrooms for Tubbo please." Tommy shouted, sparking laughter from the two older boys at the table.

"Aren't shrooms-" Wil started.

"Nope-no no. We all know he means mushrooms." Phil intercepted.

"No I said shrooms!" Tommy corrected them.

"Yes! I love shrooms." Tubbo continued standing up in his chair.

Techno burst out laughing causing each one of them to follow like dominos. Phil just smiled and shook his head knowing that this would be the start of an interesting chapter in his life.

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