The Disc and the Raid cont.2

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It was sundown on the farm and strangely the boys hadn't come back inside. Phil just finished up dinner and went to the front door to call them. Standing on the porch he looked to the side of the house where the apiaries stood and didn't see or hear anything. "Boys! Come and eat." He shouted. A moment passed and no answer was given. Maybe they'd gone to the back.

Phil walked into the silo. No one was there. The shed. Nothing. Out at the fields. Nope. Upstairs. Not a sound.

"This is not funny. If you're hiding from me you're gonna get it." He said loud enough to hear in any room upstairs. Bursting into their room he looked around, under their beds, and in their closet. A huff of frustration left his chest. He was worried.

Just as he made for the door to leave a silver piece caught his eye. Under it lied a map of Halop forest with a red line leading straight to town.

His heart stopped beating for a good moment as he realized where they'd gone. He could feel the warmth of the sun fading away as it fell from the view of the window. What have I done.


The last bits of sunlight disappeared over the hills surrounding Halop town while the blood-thirsty piglin settled into his spot on the rooftop of an out-skirting building. Patiently watching as the pillagers stampeded towards his home.

Flashbacks of his father's story ran through his head. He would be able to tell the same tale after he killed their entire fleet. This notion sparked pride within him. Now all he had to do was survive. Luckily he had a secret weapon.

Turning to his side, he grasped hold of several fireworks he'd smuggled and saved for a tough situation. Certainly enough that time was now.

Loading them into the cartridges of his crossbow he glanced at the streets and saw they had arrived. Instead of fighting one Ravager like his father, he'd be fighting three.

He could already hear the voices in his head growing louder and feel the control over his actions growing smaller. With a deep breath, he aimed for the leader and fired his first shot.


"Wilbur are you insane. What if he dies! We should be out there fighting with him right now. I can't believe this-" Tommy said pacing the concrete floor of Torphin's basement.

"Tommy we would just be a liability for him. He needs to do it alone." Tubbo spoke softly.

"A liability? I'm-I'm not a liability. I can fight-"

"Can you hush! I'm trying to listen to what's going on." Wilbur broke through his sentence.

Leaning back in his chair his fists deep in his hair, Tommy let out a nervous sigh. "This just doesn't feel right. I don't feel right." Tubbo rolled his eyes and raised a brow at the irony in his statement.


Since there'd been no time to light the oil lamps it was nearly completely dark in the streets of town now. Yet the wavering light from the pillager's torches allowed some and the sparkling red and blue fireworks allowed for some more.

A devilish grin grew on Techno's face as he watched the front liners explode underneath his fire. He wanted to laugh but he still needed the element of surprise. Quickly sitting up he tied back his long hair into a low bun and unsheathed his beloved sword.

Still, in its grasp did he feel chills and the need for power, for blood. He wanted to kill. He needed to kill, all of them.

With a jump, he'd softly landed on his feet in a corridor. The pillagers were raiding the food stands making it the perfect distraction for an ambush. Techno leaned against the edge of the wall and peered around. Soon enough he'd made it to the center of the street still hidden by darkness.

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