The Disc and the Raid

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Four more prosperous years had flown by and the lively little village that sat South of the Taiga had grown into a small bustling city. The twins had just turned twenty while their younger siblings were still sixteen. Sure they got into arguments at times over the years but they always worked it out, Phil made sure of that.

Fall had just settled in and added a chilling breeze through the once warm air of the summer. Techno had gotten a job as an ore miner for Torphin, whom he'd become fond of. Soon he'd be promoted to a blacksmith and be able to help him in the market, that was if the piglin act were to be overturned that year. Meanwhile Wilbur had taken a job in the local library that had been handed to him. His knowledge was nearly beyond everyone in the entire village. He worked as a consultant and professor at times, teaching students at the school every Friday.

Tubbo and Tommy mainly stayed home and tended to the farm and cattle, occasionally traveling into the city with their father when they felt like it. They were mischievous those two, especially Tommy. He'd become an expert at archery while Tubbo took a liking to architecture and beekeeping. Even though their interests were completely different they still spent every waking moment with each other. Recently becoming obsessed with a certain music track that had just released in town.

"Phil it's just so good!" Tubbo said humming the tune from memory. "Can we go into town and see how much it's going for?"

Their father sat on the couch reading. "Do we need to?"

Tommy joined him in singing as he jumped around in the kitchen. "Yes, Dad come on! We need it."

Phil turned his neck to peer over the couch and into the kitchen to watch them dance. A smile crept on his face. "How do you suppose we are going to play it? We don't have one of those machine things."

"It's called a jukebox." Tubbo added reaching for an apple in the cupboard.

"I'll buy one. I'll use all my savings on it. That's how much we need it."

Phil raised a brow knowing just how much Tommy had saved, it wasn't a lot. "Hm. How about, no."

The two of them stopped in their excitement. Tommy's eyes narrowed at his fathers reply. "Why!" Tubbo pouted behind him while taking a bite of his fruit. "I said I would pay for it. It's not like I don't have any money a-and Tubbo has silver too. We can combine what we have to pay for it."

"Yeah we'll have enough, I think." Tubbo added scratching the base of his horns.

Phil's gaze returned to his novel. "I just don't feel like going today. The air doesn't feel right. How about we go tomorrow?"

Tommy's hands smeared down his face in frustration while he groaned. "But dad, they'll be sold out tomorrow, no doubt. Today is our only chance. Who knows if they'll sell them again! Can we please just go?!"

"Tommy, I said no." Phil said sternly. "Today is not a good day for traveling."

Tommy rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, there you go again with your sixth sense. 'I can feel the air and it's not good for traveling today. No Tommy, you can't go use your own money to buy something in town.'" He mocked his father in a different voice. "You never let us go out. We barely get to see our friends anymore. All because of you and your stupid feelings about nature."

"Tommy." Tubbo said placing a hand on his pals shoulder in an effort to keep him from saying something he wouldn't mean.

"No!" He shouted and jerked his body away from him. "All you do is make assumptions about the universe and complain about how we harvest the carrots wrong. I'm sick of sitting here and doing nothing with my life. It's time we get out of here and experience the world on our own, but no, the weather is going to kill us-"

"That's enough." Phil shouted standing and facing his son. Tommy took a step back, a bit of fear making his eyes twitch. A moment of silence passed before Phil spoke. "Everything I've ever done and said and prohibited was to keep you safe. You know that. Now you're trying to tell me I do nothing? You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me. Would you'd have rather I abandoned you after your mother sacrificed herself for us. Huh Thomas? Left you to die with your brothers? How does that sound?" He watched as Tommy's eyes filled with tears and his brows furrow in sad anger. "That's what I thought."

"I hate you." The boy shouted closing his eyes. Tubbo's ears dropped in fear as he watched him run up the stairs and slam their door shut.

Phil shut his eyes and lowered his head into the palm of his hand. The faint patter of his adopted son's feet following the same path of his brother up the stairs. Phil dropped back onto his spot on the couch and sighed knowing he'd taken it too far. Sometimes he forgot just how young his boys were. Even though at the same time it'd felt like they'd grown up so fast.

Tubbo knocked on his door and waited a moment not knowing what to say. A few seconds later the door opened and the flustered blond came into view. His cheeks were red and glossy with tears. Tubbo could feel the heat radiating off of him.

Tommy walked away, grabbed his favorite backpack and began shoving things inside it. Clothes, matches, a pocket knife, money.

Concern grew like a rock in Tubbo's stomach. Was he going to run away? Should he tell Phil? Should he go with him?-no.

"What are you doing?" Tubbo asked while quietly closing their door.

"I'm leaving." Tommy mumbled.

Tubbo let out a short airy laugh. "You can't just leave. Phil won't let you. Tommy you know what he's doing is for the best. We don't need the disc that much-"

"Yes, we do." Tommy blurted over him. "A-and Phil needs to see that we can go out on our own. We're not kids anymore Tubbo. We are men."

Tubbo sighed. A small part of him knowing that Tommy was right. "So what are you going to sneak out somehow?" He asked in a whisper as he sat on the floor across from his broken brother. "Phil has eyes on the back of his head. That might as well be impossible."

Tommy thought for a moment. "We could leave while we tend to the apiaries. Yes. We'll have our stuff out their already and then we can just leave. He won't be paying enough attention to know we haven't come back."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Tubbo asked.

"Well, you're coming with me right?" He looked up at him, eyes pleading.

Tubbo sighed and closed his eyes. "Tommy-" He watched as his brothers expression began shattering. "I-I'll come with you."

A delighted grin appeared on Tommy's face. "Okay good. Now pack some stuff and don't forget your silver."

Nearly thirty minutes later and the boys had thrown their bags out of their window, knowing it'd land close enough to the apiaries. They'd changed into some warmer clothing and boots and prepared for their hourlong trek into town. When the came downstairs Phil was where they'd left him on the couch. Tommy went into the kitchen to grab some bread while Tubbo headed for the door.

Clearing his throat he said. "We'll be with the bees." Tilting his head towards the door for Tommy to hurry up. Phil didn't answer or look up until the door was shut behind them.

As the duo made their way to the side of the house where their stuff had landed they silently cheered and laughed. "That old man won't even notice." Tommy laughed as quiet as he could.

"It's two o'clock. If we can get there by three we might even have enough time to see Wil." Tubbo said looking at his pocket watch. Tommy nodded and they went on their way.

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