Untold stories

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Out walked his alternate. His face was paler than normal and his eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't changed his clothes since the fight occurred. His long pink hair still a disheveled mess and peaking through it, his ears dropped to the sides of his face.

Making no eye contact with any of his brothers he began his steps towards the study but a cold hand grasped his wrist. His heart jolted and the voices screamed in his his ears. Turning his gaze backward he saw his human face staring back at him. Wilbur looked concerned.

"Listen I'm not angry at what you did. It's okay actually because now I'll have a really cool scar. Maybe we can find out about those voices from da-" He stopped abruptly after Techno forcefully retrieved his arm. Breaking his gaze and returning it to the door of the study he continued walking.

"That went well." Tubbo whispered to Tommy.

The blond boys brows furrowed as he swallowed in the silence. They watched Wilbur stand in shock for a moment before he turned and walked into his room. The two of them hadn't gotten in a serious fight in a long time. Usually they got along well.

"You better be in bed!" Yelled Philza from the bottom of the stairs.

The younger boys darted towards the bathroom to brushed their hair then back into their room. Tommy leaped for his bed and nearly bounced himself off while Tubbo sat at his and laughed.

The louder and more recognizable creeks in the wooden stairs sounded as their father made his way up. A few seconds later and his face peered around their door frame. Tommy and Tubbo sat identically in their twin beds. Their sheets pulled under their arms as great big smiles reflected off their cheeks. Phil's brows raised in confusion at their sudden mysterious actions but he smiled soon after Tommy cracked under the pressure and let out a crackling laugh.

"Where's Wil and Techno?" He asked.

"Uh-" Tubbo started and glanced over to Tommy. "Techno's in the study. He uh didn't want to hear the story, I guess."

"Yeah...Wilbur will be here in a minute." Tommy continued.

Phil glanced back into the hallway and looked towards the study door. It wasn't shut all the way and the lights were off. Soon after Wilbur's door opened and out he walked book and quill in hand.

"What do you plan on doing with that, mate?" Phil said following his son into the boys room.

"I'm going to document your story. That way we'll always remember it." Wilbur answered placing the jar of ink on Tommy's desk as he sat down.

Phil took a seat at the end of Tubbo's bed. And looked at his boys. Where would he begin? What story would he tell? There were so many.

"Alright. Are you ready to write Wil?" He asked and the ruffle haired boy nodded.

With a breath, he began. "Long ago, when I was about twenty, I was entitled to become a harvester. In Harpy culture, the harvesters were to go to the human world and pluck criminals and evildoers from their homes and torture them on the way to their inevitable doom. Having never been outside the spirit world I, as many others, was excited to see what it held. Upon our last day of training we set off and entered the portal to the human world. It was magnificent. I'll never forget the first time I saw the nature that flourished here. It was so different.

There I parted ways with my fellows and had to explore on my own. Days for humans were like minutes to us harpies so I had a week to find my first injustice and begin my journey to hell. Within the human hour I'd stumbled upon a small village. I was able to disguise myself as one of them after retracting my wings. While I walked through the little marketplace that lined the dirt roads I stumbled upon a woman. Her hair and features much like Techno's. She was the first human I'd ever talked to.

Things I Remember -SBI Family Dynamic-Where stories live. Discover now