Chapter Three - Secrets

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I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower the next morning so I could quickly make it to the coffee shop. I repeated this process again on Sunday.

I was so overwhelmed by the time Sunday came around that I couldn't think straight. I was counting change wrong, writing down the wrong drink, using the wrong syrup, and so on. By the time the store was closing I couldn't of been happier.

I made my way over to the sign as I heard the door jingle.

"I'm sorry we're closed. We will open again tomorrow at 7 am." I said as I looked over at the door and saw Axel standing in the doorway.

"Oh so this is where you work?" He said as he looked around.

"We're closed." I muttered as I started wiping down tables.

"Mm well I guess I'll give my money to another small coffee shop." He said as he started to turn around.

"Yeah I guess so." I said back.

"But wait, don't you close at 10?" He said as he checked his phone. "It's only 9:55."

I sighed as I walked behind the cash register. "What I can get you?"

"Whatever you usually get I'll take two." I nodded as I put in what I normally got. An iced chai tea latte with oat milk and brown sugar syrup.

"Anything else?" I asked as he shook his head. I quickly made the two drinks as he ran his card. I turned back around and set them both down.

He grabbed one of the cups nodded and walked away. He started to open the door when he turned around and looked at me "oh you're closed now, just wanted to let you know." He said with a smirk and I watched him walk down the street and out of view.

I felt a smile make its way to my face as I picked up the other drink and took a sip. I finished closing the store and quickly booked it back home for school the next morning.


The next morning we eventually made it to school after dragging Ella out of her house. When we walked into Mr. Liths class I noticed that Axel was already there. I mean obviously, we were almost late.

We all sat down and took out our notebooks as he started his lecture for the day. I stayed quiet as Annabelle, Ella, and Jake all made side commentary, I was trying to work on my "being annoying" thing.

Of course this class was AP Psychology so he asked for an example from the students. Axel cleared his throat as he put is his hand in the air.

"The way the brain reacts to people's comments is very fascinating. An example would be, take Briella here, I called her annoying on the first day of school. I mean let's be honest here she is, right?" He said as I looked around and saw people nodding their heads. They were agreeing with him.

"But now, after hearing my words of criticism, she's as quiet as a mouse. My words affected her, in a rather good way I believe." He finished as I heard chuckles throughout the classroom. He had just humiliated me.

When I turned to look at my friends they had the same reaction that I did. Jaw dropped staring at Axel.

"Very good observation Axel." Mr. Lith said as he returned to his lesson and Axel turned back around in his seat and looked up at me with a smirk.

"Cat got your tongue now?" He said as he held eye contact and I felt tears forming in my eyes. I quickly looked down at my notebook and blinked back the tears. They wouldn't stop coming so I packed my bag and started to stand up.

"Can I be excused from class?" I asked as I tried to make my way around everyone.

"It seems like you won't take no as an answer so go ahead." Mr. Lith said causing me to freeze in my spot, don't be annoying. I shook my head and walked back to my seat. Don't draw attention to yourself.

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