Chapter Thirteen - What Happens at a Party

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I walked back over to Jake and Ella and rolled my eyes.

"That stupid peace of shit thinks he can sweet talk me and I'll just go back to him?" I said as I grabbed Ella's cup and drank out of it.

I shook my head as I felt the drink go down my throat. She most definitely had mixed vodka with something.

"Maybe you should just hear him out. I would never tell you that if I didn't believe things would change." Jake said as he took Ella's cup from me but I grabbed it back and finished the rest.

"Oh shit. Sorry Ella. Here let's go get some more." I said as I took her arm but she shook her arm out of my grasp.

"This isn't healthy Bri. Just go talk to him." She said as she took her cup and threw it into a garbage bag.

"Ooh do you want to go swimming!" I said as I looked at the swimming pool. I refused to go back and talk to Axel.

"Bri knock it off. I know you're not that drunk." Ella said as she grabbed my shoulders. "We know you like him. Tell him."

"I did with the fucking kiss. But what does he do? Blow me off. I just fucking hate guys." I said as I heard Jake chuckle. "Except for you. You're alright."

"Well gee thanks." Jake said as he shook his head and laughed. "Look you were really happen when y'all had whatever you had. Don't let it go to waste."

"Can we just go swimming?" I said as my head started to swirl. I was definitely drunk, if you couldn't tell already.

"Bri we can't go swimming. You're way too drunk." Jake said as he grabbed my arm but I walked to the pool anyway. "Whatever. You can SIT by the edge."

I laughed as I sat down, took my sandals off, and put my feet into the water. I moved my feet around as Ella came and sat down next to me. She had gone and gotten another drink.

"Can I have some?" I asked as she held the cup out to me and I took a tiny sip. "Thank you."

My head was still swimming, which was weird cause I can usually handle a few more drinks. I had the same amount as Ella and she seemed fine.

"Hey is your head spinning?" I said as she handed me the cup again.

"Um no, I've only had like two and half drinks. Is yours?" She said as she took the cup before I could take a sip.

"Yeah like a lot." I said as Ella rubbed my back. I heard someone scream from behind me and when I opened my eyes it was a tad bit too late to hear the 'heads up' warning.

Mr football star was trying to throw a football to someone on the other side of the pool and he threw it a tad bit too short, but just as hard. The ball smacked me in the back of the head and I heard Ella curse.

"It's very- spinny. Now." I said as I felt my vision go black. I heard Ella set her cup down but the next thing I felt was water surrounding my body. I'm assuming I passed out and I fell into the water which is so much better then falling backwards.

I breathed in and got a mouth full of water causing me to cough. I tried to swim to the edge where I was sitting when I saw Ella diving in. She grabbed under my arms so I could put my arm around her neck while she swam over to the edge. Axel and Jake were there with their hands out waiting to grab me. They each grabbed an arm and when I was finally out of the water Axel disappeared.

Ella got out and held my head upright as he came back with two towels. He wrapped me in one and then put the other over Ella's shoulder.

"What the fuck just happened?" I said as I rubbed the back of my head as the killer headache started.

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