Chapter Two

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Amara of Rivendell could only stare at Elrond. "Forgive me, of course, but dwarves? The ones who were here only months ago and in their short stay, drank all of the wine, stole half of the flatware, and used the waterfalls as water rides? Naked? Those dwarves?"

One had to know the Elvenking well to see his wince, and she was one who did. Still, he nodded. "The very same. They were—"


"They. Thorin Oakenshield and his two nephews. All were seriously wounded at the Battle of the Five Armies and while Lothlórien would be more suited for caring for them, they had their hands full with Galadriel and so they will be under our care." His expression grew stern. "And I do mean for you to truly care for them."

She stared at him. "Are you suggesting I would do anything less?"

"No. But make it clear to Kenia and Valindra that they are also to follow your lead." Elrond glanced about the tranquil healing room. "I do not think we will be inundated with dwarves at first, but they will most likely arrive at some point. Thorin Oakenshield is their king and they hold him in high regard."

She nodded. She remembered the dwarf king from his previous visit to Rivendell. Unlike his compatriots, he was far more serious, far less prone to tomfoolery. He rarely smiled and often brooded and she'd had to scold Kenia for nearly spilling a vat full of valerian sleeping draught because she'd gotten distracted staring at him. Of course, she didn't exactly fault Kenia. The dwarf was very handsome, with a tangle of long, wavy dark hair streaked with silver, and eyes a shade of blue she'd never seen before. Like the other dwarves, he sported a beard as well, although curiously enough, his was nowhere near as long as the beards of his kin. She didn't know much about dwarves, but she did know they took great pride in the length of their beards, so she couldn't help but wonder the reason behind his being so much shorter.

"When will they arrive?"

"Shortly." Elrond's expression grew grim, far more so than she'd seen in a long time. "And you should prepare the others. From what I understand, they are all three wounded very seriously. They would have been mortally wounded, had Tauriel not been there with kingsfoil."

Amara nodded slowly. She'd seen and healed plenty of battle wounds. "Impalement?"

"All three. Two through the front, one through the back."

"Very well. We will be ready."

He bobbed his head and turned to take his leave. She waited a beat, then clapped her hands.  "Kenia! Valindra! Come here, please."

Her two assistants swept into the room. They were sisters, both tall and elegant, with eyed the color of fresh honey.The only difference between them was their long hair, with Kenia's being dark red and Valindra's honey-gold hair.

"What did you need us for?" Kenia asked.

"We are taking in three wounded dwarves, felled at the Battle of the Five Armies."

Valindra's nose wrinkled. "Dwarves? Does Lord Elrond know?"

"Who do you think told me?" Amara asked mildly. It was difficult to fault Valindra for her reaction, as elves and dwarves did not necessarily get along with one another.There was a natural distrust dwarves had for anyone not dwarvish, while elves found dwarves to be rude and boisterous, with bawdy senses of humor and no sense of decorum. She still remembered the sight of the naked dwarves splashing in the fountains. It was a sight one did not forget easily.

Kenia, however, didn't seem quite so put out. "Erebor dwarves or Iron Hill ones?"

"Erebor. And you are to take care, Kenia. I do not wish a repeat of what happened with the valerian."

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