Chapter Six

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The next morning, after checking on Thorin and his nephews, who were almost ready to leave Rivendell altogether, Amara made her way to the terrace for breakfast. As she stepped out into the sunshine, she spotted Gandalf the Grey and the hobbit she assumed was Bilbo Baggins sitting with Elrond at the table that was a step up from all the others.

"Ah, good morning, Amara," Elrond greeted her, gesturing to the vacant chair beside him. "Join us."

"Thank you." She drew out the chair and sank into it, smiling at the gaunt-looking old man with grizzled gray hair and a long, equally grizzled gray beard. "Gandalf, you're looking well."

"Thank you, Amara," he offered up a pleasant smile, "as you are looking rather well yourself."

A lie, as she caught a glimpse of her reflection and nearly frightened herself. The sleepless and mostly sleepless nights had begun to catch up with her, resulting in bruise-like smudges beneath her eyes. But, she certainly wasn't about to argue or make it seem she fished for compliments. "Thank you."

"Ah, this is my companion, Bilbo Baggins. He is a good friend of Thorin Oakenshield's and was worried about him."

"It is lovely to meet you, Mr. Baggins," she said, turning her smile to the halfling with the haphazardly combed reddish brown hair and dark eyes that widened as his gaze alit on her.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Amara."

"So," Elrond passed a cup of tea to her, "how do the patients fare this morning?"

"Kili and Fili are doing well. Kili, of course, is ready to go home, but he'd rather wait until his brother is free to do so as well. And while Fili is close to being ready, he's not quite there just yet."

"And Thorin?" Bilbo broke in softly.

Amara nodded slowly, for the hobbit sounded very anxious to know how Thorin fared. "He still has a journey ahead of him, I'm afraid."

Bilbo's face fell slightly, and she was quick to add, "But, considering how it could have gone? He's doing well."

"Might I see him?"

She shook her head slowly, letting her hand come to rest atop his. "I'm afraid he isn't quite up to visitors just yet."

The hobbit's face fell. "Oh. Has... has he asked for me?"

"He has spoken of you, yes. He was concerned about a dispute you may have had prior to his wounding?"

A hint of sadness crept into Bilbo's eyes as he nodded. "We had a bit of a falling out, yes. But, we cleared the air before—er, after—well... after he killed Azog." He visibly swallowed and then looked up at her again. "You say he was concerned?"

She nodded. "He was. He felt he owed you a greater apology."

"Oh, no," Bilbo shook his head. "He owes me nothing, really. I am simply glad that he will be all right."

"He should make nearly a full recovery in time."

"Do know when I might be able to see him?"

"Master Baggins, I trust Amara will be more than happy to tell you when Thorin has recovered enough for visitors," Gandalf broke in softly. "But for now, let her eat. From what I understand, she has been working tirelessly since Durin's sons arrived."

Bilbo's cheeks grew ruddy even as a look of concern flashed through his eyes. "Was there trouble?"

Amara bit back a sigh, her teacup halfway to her lips. Lowering it, she nodded. "There have been several complications, but all have been dealt with and I believe the worst is behind Mr. Oakenshield now."

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