Chapter Seventeen

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In the days that followed, Amara realized she was no better a patient than Thorin had been. Like him, she wanted only to get up, to move about and do things on her own, only to have Kenia, or worse, Thorin, tell her no. Frustrating didn't even begin to describe her feelings when, day after day, she wasn't allowed to do much more than sit up in bed.

Finally, on the fourth day after the battle, she looked over at Kenia. "Might I go and sit in the sunshine, at least?"

At first, she thought Kenia was going to say no, but then she smiled. "I think that would be all right."

Amara offered up a silent thank you and took a deep breath as she swung her legs over the side of her bed. Kenia came around to help her, as Amara's legs were still on the shaky side. The movement hurt at first, but the stinging wasn't anywhere near as bad as it had been the first two days after that battle. She had a new appreciation for how hard her patients worked to regain control over their own bodies following an accident.

"Have you seen Thorin?" she asked as she drew a light wrapper over her nightrail. Although it wasn't likely anyone would see her on the terrace, she still felt more comfortable.

"I understand the Company has returned once more. I believe he was with them."

"How did Lord Elrond take that?"

Kenia grinned. "He was whimpering in his chambers earlier."

"They do try his patience."

The first few steps hurt, but by the time they stepped out onto the sun-drenched terrace, Amara could move without pain and the sounds of laughter and shouting reached her ears. She moved to the railing, unable to hold back her smile at the scene below. All thirteen members of the Company were there, some splashing in the fountain once more, the others sprawled out on the lawns, shouting and laughing with one another as the soaked in the sunshine.

"They do like that fountain," she said, watching as Bombur shot out of one of the tubes to land in the main fountain with a mighty splash. "And I know Lord Elrond rolls his eyes at this, but I've noticed he does not shut off the water."

"I think he tolerates it for you," Kenia brought over a chair for her. "He knows how Mr. Oakenshield feels about you and I think, despite the fact that he is a dwarf, Lord Elrond is happy you found each other."

"Thank you." Amara gingerly sank into the chair. "I don't see Thorin down there, though."

"Look again, Amara."

She leaned against the railing, unable to hold back her laugh as Thorin barreled out of the tube that had only just spat Bombur out. He hit the water to send up a mighty splash that drenched everyone anywhere near the fountain. For some reason, just seeing that melted her heart to a certain degree. "He does know how to play."

Kenia also drew up a chair to sink into. "I've the feeling he's not known much joy, Amara. At least, not before coming here."

"No, he hasn't." She shook her head, eyes still on him as he slapped a handful of water at Bofur, then hefted himself up onto the side of the fountain. In the brilliant sunlight, his skin gleamed like that of a selkie, and as he braced himself with his arms, the muscles of his biceps and triceps were clearly delineated. With his wet hair swept away from his face and falling three-quarters of the way down his broad back, he looked almost edible to her. "I've seen him smile a handful of times and laugh even less."

She looked over at Kenia. "He's been through much in his life, not just these past months. He doesn't say much about it, you know. But, I've been able to get some out here, and some out there, when he does speak of it."

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