Chapter Twenty-Five

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As it happened, their luck, did in fact hold out over the fortnight it took for them to reach Mirkwood's border. Thorin scowled as they stood at the Mirkwood border, where two of Thranduíl's men stood silent sentry. He didn't want to be there. After all, the last time he and the others found themselves in Mirkwood, spiders had tried to eat them, elves tried to kill them, and Thranduíl himself had them tossed into then dungeons. If it hadn't been for Master Baggins, who never did explain exactly how he managed it, snagging the dungeon keys, they might still be in those tiny, damp, woodland cells.

But, the hobbit had freed them, smuggled them out in barrels, in which they bounced about like corks tossed on the river's swift current, battling not only the elves trying to stop them, but the orcs sent to hunt Thorin himself.

He looked over at Kili, whose eyes practically gleamed at the sight of the wood. It was because of this place he'd met Tauriel, the she-elf who'd saved his skin the first time. Saved his skin and apparently won his heart. Although Kili rarely spoke of her, Thorin had the feeling he knew exactly what went through his nephew's mind. Most likely the same thing that went through his own mind whenever he looked at Amara.

Which was why they were at Thranduíl's front door. As much as it would pain him—and it would definitely pain him—Thorin would willingly gift the Seven Stars of Middle Earth necklace to Thranduíl if it meant Thranduíl would give his blessing for Kili to court Tauriel. The same blasted necklace that kept the woodland elves from aiding Erebor in its time of need, that caused Thranduíl to threaten Erebor with what became the Battle of the Five Armies, would find its way to Mirkwood, no matter how much Thorin hated to do it. He had no love lost for Thranduíl and knew the feeling was mutual, but he'd put aside his own dislike and distrust of the Elf King if it mean Kili would find the same happiness with Tauriel that he'd found with Amara.

With that, he climbed down from his saddle and stepped up to the sentries. "Thorin Oakenshield to see Thranduíl."

"Does His Highness expect you?"

He shook his head. "He does not, no. But tell him I have something he wants and I am willing to discuss parting with it."

The two sentries looked at one another, then the shorter of the two turned as the doors opened noiseless, and disappeared inside.

Thorin stared down the second sentry. He didn't like being in Mirkwood. The air was heavy with apprehension and dread, its waters were enchanted with what some considered black magic, and the spiders alone were enough to make him want to avoid the woods with ever fiber of his being, for they were no ordinary spiders. They were big enough to hunt man, dwarf, and elf, and did so without impunity. Even from where he stood, at the edge the wood and vine bridge that would lead them into the Kingdom of Mirkwood, he could see the wispy white spiderwebs in the distance. Just the sight of them was enough to bring back the claustrophobic feeling of being wrapped in one of their cocoons.

He fought off a shiver as the memory of being wrapped so suffocatingly tight, of being unable to move much more than a finger or a toe, rushing to the forefront of his mind. Again, if it hadn't been for Master Baggins and his sword—which he'd dubbed Sting—they might not have survived long enough to find their way into those dungeons.

"What is taking so long?" Dwalin grumbled from his saddle.

"I am certain Thranduíl is trying to come up with some reason to deny us entry," Thorin told him over one shoulder, "all the while his curiosity kills him because he knows he'll not be able to."

"I say we keep moving," Dwalin countered. "Why are we even here?"

Thorin grinned at Kili. "Do you wish to explain or should I?"

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