Chapter Four

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But not only did Thorin's fever not break by dawn, it went higher still, raged through the next day and into the night. For the next four days, the scenario repeated. He was delirious, argued with people only he could see, demanded to see Kili and Fili, and as the fifth dawn broke across the horizon, he finally went quiet.

Amara had been at his bedside for the entire time. Exhausted, she refused to let Jassin relieve her, saying, "I will see him through this. Go and check on the boys."

She dipped her cloth into a fresh bowl of cool water and bathed his forehead, his wrists. She opened the neck of his tunic to lay another cold wet cloth across his chest. He groaned at each one, pushed her hands away as he muttered, "Leave off, wench... are you trying to drive me mad?"

She sighed as she caught his left wrist to tug that hand out of her way. "Easy, Thorin," she murmured as she swiped gently at his neck, and down over his chest once more. "Take care you do not thrash too badly. You will tear your stitches and re-open your wounds."

"Ish kakfê ai-'d-dûr-rugnal," he growled in response.

Kenia looked up at her with wide-eyes. "What did he say?"

Amara shook her head. "Nothing you need worry about." She turned her attention back to him, saying, "Hush now, and let me tend to you."

He stiffened, let out a pathetic cry, and then broke into a sweat as he sank back into the bed, into the pillow. She laid the back of her hand across his forehead and smiled. Cool. His fever had broken.

His eyes opened. Slowly at first, but then he blinked and they slid in her direction. "Where am I?"

"You are in Rivendell," she told him, mopping the sweat from his forehead with the wet cloth. "And before you ask, I am Amara."

His brows lowered. "I've asked before?"

"Once or twice, yes." She dipped the cloth into the bowl, wrung it out, and wiped along his left cheek, then his right. Without looking up, she said, "Kenia, please fetch Mr. Oakenshield some tea."

"Yes, Amara."

"Thank you."

"How long have I been here?"

She turned her attention back to Thorin. "Almost a week now. You've been delirious with fever for the last five days. I was beginning to think it would never break."

"I—I apologize for anything I might have said."

"Worry not about it. I've heard far worse." She dunked the cloth, twisted excess water out, and moved down along his neck now. "And much of it was in khuzdal, as well."

"My native tongue."

"Well, I am the only one here who understands it, so you needn't worry about offending one of my assistants."

"But did I offend you?"

She shook her head. "Hardly. As I said, I've heard far worse."

He nodded, then closed his eyes. "How do Kili and Fili fare?"

"They are doing well." She moved down over his chest with the cloth. "Kili has been discharged from my service, but refused to leave until you and his brother are all well. Elrond has been quite generous in allowing him to remain here."

"Thank him for me, if you would be so kind."

"Of course." She let the cloth soak in the bowl and lifted a dry towel to press to his forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"It still hurts more than anything I've ever had hurt," he confessed with a grimace.

"Do you recall what happened?"

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